Part One

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Her head hung from my hands. What had I done? What had I become? The rest of her lifeless body lay a few metres away, unmoving and cold. On her pretty face was the last look she would ever give to this world. This was all my fault. She was dead, her blood staining my hands, soaking my soul. What had I done? Why had I done this? Why had I ended the life of a poor girl who could have become anything, had she lived, a girl who hadn't yet accomplished her goals, and a girl who would now never accomplish them? Dropping her head I look down at my hands, one holding a knife, but both covered in the blood of what was my enemy. Poor Hannah. I shove the knife in my pocket and take off running, looking for the showers. Lucky for me I don't pass many people and those I do pass are absorbed in something other than me. Finally I make it to the showers and tear the blood-stained clothes off. I sprint into the showers, being cautious not to slip. With my head under the water I think over what I had just done. I could be put in juvey for that. But no, I wouldn't get caught. All I would have to do is clean up all evidence. Which would prove easy in the early hours. Just as easy as it had been to kill her. Why had I killed her? She was going to take him from me, that's why she had to die. Because he belongs to me, he has no choice. Because if he chooses another, she will have to die. I don't care who it is. I don't care why he likes her. She is an enemy, and she does not deserve him. She does not deserve his love. Whoever may come next better be prepared, because now that I've spilt the first blood, I'm not afraid to spill more.

1 year later

'Mizuki!' I hear a voice.
'Mizuki Yama!' I groan and slowly open my eyes. My best friend and info person, Lila Yuki, stands above me, an annoyed look on her face.
'What!?' I ask, shutting my eyes again, and rolling over.
'Hikaru Paka is outside wanting to talk to Mizuki Yama!' She yells and I go flying out of bed.
'He what!' I yell at her while struggling to put on some presentable clothes.
'He's waiting for you. But he thinks your name is Mizumi Yaka.' She giggles and I glare at her. Looking in the mirror I struggle to tame my tangle of thorns, but eventually quit and tie it back, hoping it looks okay. I snatch up some lip gloss and start to head down the stairs, applying it.
'Hey that's mine!' I hear her protest.
'Mine now!' I reply, flying down the last few steps. I rush into the lounge to find him sitting there. Hikaru Paka. The love of my life, my heart and my world. He looks up at me, his brown eyes shining. I take a deep breath and head over to him, taking a seat about a meter away from him.
'You're Mizumi Yaka right?' He asks, looking at me.
'It's actually Mizuki Yama, but yes. What was it you needed?' I ask in my best voice possible, tilting my head slightly.
'Sorry Mizuki. I heard from a friend that you were the last person Hannah was seen with.' His voice is hopeful, and I feel my heart break slightly. I plaster a fake smile on my face.
'Yes I was.' I see him trying not to lose it
'Well, she died, and you were the last person in contact with her, so I was wondering if she had said anything about meeting anyone, or maybe.....suicide?' I see now. He wants to know more. He wants to know how she died.
'She said that she was on her way to meet you for a date after meeting me. She was really happy and excited. She never said anything about meeting anyone else, and I assumed she was just going straight to you afterwards.'
'So she only met you....' He trails off.
'Look, I don't know who killed her. I don't care who killed her. I only care about the fact she died too young. I only care about the moments I enjoyed with her.' I lie to him. I feel terrible for lying, but it's the only way. If he knew I killed her he would never forgive me.
'It seems like your not over her. Are you still in love with her?' I ask him.
'Well, no I'm not still in love with her, I just feel really horrible knowing that she died because of me. I've got a new girlfriend.' He informs me. My heart cracks a little more.
'Oh. Well Hikaru, it's not your fault. She wasn't careful that's all. But, if you don't mind me asking, who's your girlfriend?' I ask curiously leaning slightly towards him.
'Ama Akira.'
'Ama Akira huh....' I mutter, searching my mind for any record of her. After a moment I conclude that I don't know her.
'Do you know her?' He asks me.
'Oh, yes. I've seen her around.' I lie to him. Time for Lila's help. I look down at the black watch I'm always wearing.
'Really sorry, but I completely spaced! I have a date with my boyfriend! I'm already a tad late! I'll see you around Hikaru!' I exclaim, getting up quickly and ushering him out of the house.
'One more thing!' He says and I stop before closing the door.
'Can I come see you tomorrow?' He asks. After a moment I nod, smiling slightly.
'Of course.' Then I slam the door. I exhale for a long while and slide down the door.
'Lila!' I call out.
'I know who Ama Akira is, I've got all her information!' Lila calls back. I smile and shut my eyes. Lila was way ahead of me.

'Ama Akira, year nine student. Birthday is the 14 of august 2019. Currently dating Hikaru Paka. 14 years old. Locker number 669 near A block. Class 09_4. Schedule.... Maths, lunch, English, history, lunch, science. In music club. Music duettist with Hikaru Paka. So she's also blonde.' I read out her information and nod.
'Her self defence is good though, because she was originally one of the martial arts club.' Lila tells me.
'I need a reputation build; can you arrange that?' I ask. She looks at me.
'That may take a few days.' She warns.
'I don't care. I have time.'
'Okay.' She says and gets to work. This was a process we knew. A process we had practiced. Although I hadn't killed since Hannah, I was ready to kill Ama. I would kill anyone who stood in, my way. I leave Lila so that she can work in peace.

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