Chapter Two

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My first date with Liam were to take place at an italian place in my neighbourhood, frankly because he asked me to pick a place and that was the only one I was familliar with. He asked me to meet me there for lunch at 1, he said that he had a thing in the evening. 

"Betty now you listen to me, you get your SHIT together." I said as I pointed at myself in the mirror, giving myself my strictest look. I stood infront of my only full-lenght mirror wearing only a bra, knickers and a pair of pantyhoes that had an enormous hole in the crotch. I didn't have a freaking clue what I was gonna wear and I was meeting him in half an hour minus the ten minutes walk. Fuck fuck fuck, I mumbled as I ran across the floor. 

I was out the door at 12.51. I had put on a green/black checkered skirt, a black crop top and my black vintage skinjacket. 

"Hi, I have a reservation for Betty at 1." I said to the hostess. 

"Ah, right. Your company is already here, let me show you to your table Miss Van Vliet." She turned around and walked out in the dining hall. I had reserved a corner table, those are the only ones I like. He sat there looking out the window. He looked up and saw me.

"Hi Liam." I said and he got up to greet me with a kiss on the cheek. An electric shock went from my check to my toes. Thats when I realized our outfits were matching. He was wearing black jeans, a checkered t-shirt and had a skinjacket beside him. 

"Hello Betty." He looked at me and then at him and then back at me. We bursted into laughter. We looked absolutly ridiculous. 

We pulled ourselves together after some time and sat down to order pasta. 

"Wow, this is delicious." He said and I hummed. 

"So Betty. Why did you leave Oxford?" He said out of nowhere and I shrugged. 

"I got an offer from Columbia and I always wanted to leave that fucking shithole." Liam laughed when I said shithole.

"Oh sorry, I'm not so prude, or conservative, was that insulting?" I asked and Liam laughed even more, I felt a bit confused. 

"No no, I'm not either, even though I'm not as outspoken as you are." He said and looked at me with a mischievous smile. I smiled back. We started talking about our hometowns and then about something else and something else and suddenly we were on the subject of wether one should be able to smoke in cafés or not. 

"Well, I don't want to die in lungcancer, but I kind of like the idea of sitting in a room full of smoke. It's kind of..." 

"Mysterious?" He filled in and I nodded and put another piece of my tiramisu in my mouth. I pointed with my fork at him. 

"And it's very Paris in the 60's. Like a black and white movie." I said.

"That's a very romantic way to look at smoking!" 

Liam shoke his head and smiled at me. I swear to god, I'm not the sappy RomCom type of person, but his eyes were sparkling at me. And in that moment, I was either having fibrillation or a very strong physical reaction to the person sitting opposed to me. 

Liam looked at his phone.

"Crap, I've gotta go." 

"Oh look, your not that conservative either." I said and smiled even though I wanted him to stay. Liam raised his eyebrow and then called the watior. 

Outside of the resturant I started feeling nervous. What now? Two seconds after that thought hit my brain, Liam grabbed my hand and turned me around and before I knew it I had a Liam on my lips. He kissed me lightly. His three day old beard risped my chin. My knees felt like spagetti. 

"Fuck." I whispered when we let go. He rested his forehead on mine and I felt his breaths on my cheek. 

"Crap." Liam whispered. I smiled and closed my eyes, maybe then he wouldn't leave, if I didn't see him. 

"I'll call you." He said and when I opened my eyes he was gone. Holy mother of fuckety fuck fuck.

As I strolled home on my weak weak legs I remembered that he didn't have my number, and I didn't have his...

I stopped on my way to buy a pack of cigarettes and when I got home I started to frantically smoke them with my window open. If this was the end, if I never got to see Liam again I thought I was going to die, but it's not like I could just call information and ask for Liam Paynes number, fuck fuck fuck.

These thoughts ran through my head the entire night and around 3am as I sat on the window sill wearing my white t-shirt pulled down over my knees I made the decision not to care. For all I know, that date could have been just a friendly thing, and the kiss at the end was a spare of the moment. I decided Liam was a prick and that I really needed some sleep. 

11am. BZZ, BZZ, BZZ. In a state between sleep and reality I wondered if that was the sound of 3000 buzzing bees. I was wrong, it was my phone vibrating against my guitarr, making the sound 100 times louder. I reached for it without my head ever leaving the pillow and squinted at the screen with one eye. Unrecognized text. 

Forgot to ask for your number. Crap... -Liam

My heart pounded faster. I sat straight up and got a headache from the sudden movement. I started writing back as I got up and put on a pot of tea on the stove, yeah, people still use those. 

Yeah. "Forgot". I was just about to forget about you... Fuck.

Hah, I will never let you forget about me

Is that a threat? 

It might be

This continued throughout an entire pitcher of tea. Another text came in from my best friend and I tapped it. 

Is that YOUR black vintage skinjacket?? And most importantly: ARE YOU KIDDING ME. 

Above the text was a picture, a picture of Liam Payne kissing a blonde girl in a skinjacket outside of All Italian. You could clearly see Liams face but all you saw of the girl was the back of her head and a beginning crack in her pantyhoes. H.O.LY.F.U.C.K. I got up and started walking around nervously. I googled Liam Payne + blonde girl + london and three articles poped up. 

Liam's secret love

Who is that girl? 

Liam Payne hiding girlfriend from public 

No no no. No. No no. This is bad. So so bad. When I saw that picture I remembered something David said during the first day. "Intimate relationships with the clients are frowned upon, your relationship shall remain strictly proffesional, for the sake of the company".  If everybody could see that was me, I was screwed. 

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