Chapter 16: Betty? Betty!

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Betty's PROV:

I woke up with Jughead's bare body. Saturday had to be the best night of my life. Juggie was so sweet with the ring, I really do love him soo much. Yesterday we just lay around the trailer having a movie marathon with FP and talking to our baby. I was nice I felt like a family already. I can't wait to see the reaction of everyone at school today. Although I'm not feeling to great. He was lying cuddling me with his hand on my stomach. I kissed him to wake him up.

"Mmm morning Betts." He said as he kissed me.

"Juggie we have school, and we're already late. No make out sessions." I said as I kissed him and got up to get dressed.

As I was going out the door after breakfast, I felt like I was going to throw up again, this morning. I ran to the bathroom and Jug followed me.

"Again?" He said as I was brushing my teeth again. "That's the third time today!" He said touching my belly.

"Ye. lets go we are gonna be late." We walked out the door and I ran over to Jugs motorbike smirking.

"Betts" Jug said smiling but I could tell he was scared to take me on his bike incase something happened.

"Oh please Juggieeee!" I pleaded as I gave him puppy eyes, he looked at me and smiled knowing that I played him.

"Hold on tight Betts, I don't want anything to happen to you or our lil nugget." He said smirking because he knew I didn't like that name but I have to say I think it's cute.

When we got to school Jughead helped me off his bike and took my hand as we walked back into the all too familiar halls that was Riverdale High. The good thing about being pregnant was that no one was staring at me, because most of the couples were pregnant, there was only like 5 couples that weren't.

I saw Veronica, Cheryl and Toni in the lodge together, Fangs, Sweet Pea and Kevin where there too. Jug took a seat in the corner of the circle of our friend group and I sat on his knee. I could see everyone looking at us in aw.

"So what are you two so happy about this horrible Monday." Veronica said, getting on to us. Me and just looked at each other and laughed, then we kissed.

"Oh do tell!" Cheryl said getting curious, we smirked and Jug started fiddling with my promise ring, I put my hand on top of his, to see if they noticed. After about a minute of them looking at us in confusion, Veronica gasped.

"Oh My Goshhh!" She yelped, everyone looked at her and then Cheryl figured out out to.

"You got her a ring, but why?" Toni aid looking at Jughead.

"It's a promise ring." Jug said and we smiled.

"A promise for what." Kevin said, and then he smiled at us.

"A promise that he will love me, and our baby forever." I said kissing Jughead.

"Awww" Everyone said as we were still kissing.

*Time Pass*

After telling everyone about me and Jug and having gone to class I came to the Blue and Gold to write. Jughead asked Mr. Wetherbea and now writes with me, he went to get me and him a drink from the vending machine, and more then likely a snack.

I felt oddly sick again, I started to feel dizzy and I couldn't see straight. Next thing I knew I was on the floor and everything was black the last thing I remember was Jughead I think calling me.

"Betty? Betty!" And then I was out.

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