Part 1

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"Bye guys!" Ian called to the smosh games crew as he and Anthony walked out of the building, holding each other's hands. Ian and Anthony had been going out for about a year now. They were both very happy and everyone had accepted their relationship, especially the fans. Tons and tons of comments telling them of how adorable they were, or they knew they were perfect for each other. They loved seeing those comments, especially Ian. Ian was much more sentimental in the relationship. He always bought cute little things for Anthony and made him cards to tell him how much he loved him.

Anthony was different though. He loved Ian, of course, but he showed it differently. With hugs, and kisses, and simply just telling him. He didn't usually plan anything special or buy cute things like Ian did. But when he did, it meant so much to Ian. Anthony loved to see Ian happy, which was why he was excited for tonight.

Anthony had driven two hours to Ian's favorite donut shop and bought him his favorite donut: pink frosting and sprinkles. (Yes, it actually was Ian's favorite kind of donut, not just a food for food battle..) He then went to six stores to find Ian's favorite movie. Anthony smiled to himself. As soon as they got home he could give Ian his snack and they could watch the movie together, and it'd be perfect. They could spend an enjoyable night together before Ian had to leave for three days for interviews, while Anthony had to stay for Smosh things.

Ian looked over at Anthony. "what's with the smirk?" He asked happily.

Anthony caught himself, "O-Oh," he stuttered, "nothing. Just thinking about the gamebang from today is all."

"Oh right.." Ian was slightly disappointed, hoping Anthony had been smiling while thinking about him, or had planned something before he had to leave.

They got to the car and Anthony opened the door for Ian and then walked around. Before he could get in Joven ran up to him.

"Anthony!" Joven panted, "Hey man, I think I left my wallet at your house the other day! Think I can come with you and grab it real quick?"

Anthony groaned and ran his hand through his hair. "Dude seriously? Me and Ian were gonna.." He trailed off a bit.

"I'll be out of your hair i just gotta grab it and I'll be gone. C'mon please?" Joven folded his hands.

"Alright, alright.. Get in the damn car, Joven.." Anthony growled, slightly annoyed.

"Thanks man" Joven nodded while climbing into the back seat.

Anthony sat down and turned to Ian. "Sorry, babe, Joven's just gotta grab his wallet and then it's just me and you, m'kay?" He said softly. Ian pouted a bit but nodded.

When they got to the house Joven walked in while Anthony stayed with Ian until Joven left. Anthony smiled at Ian and fixed his hair.

"I love your blue eyes, Ian" he breathed, affectionately.

Ian blushed, "thanks"

Anthony leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to Ian's lips. Suddenly a crash came from inside the house. Ian went to get up but Anthony held him back.

"No, I got it, stay here."

Anthony ran into the house to find Joven on the floor. He helped him up quickly.

"Are you alright?!"

"Im alright.. I slipped and fell onto the table and then fell to the ground." He pointed to the corner of the counter, "right here"

Anthony glanced at the table when he seen a piece of paper lying there. No wait- it wasn't paper.. Oh no, he recognized the wrapping smashed into the table. He crushed Ian's donut! Anthony felt his eyes water just a bit and he covered his face.

"You smashed the donut!" Anthony threw his arms down.

"What?" Joven looked at the frosting on his arm, "oh.." He realized it was pink, and knew it must've been for Ian. "Anthony, I am so sorry.. Do you want me to go get another one?"

"No!" Anthony screamed, "the shop is closed now and Ian leaves tomorrow!! You ruined our date night, Joven!!" Anthony frantically searched the cabinets for a replacement to the donut. "Just get out of here."

Joven hesitated, then apologized again and left with his wallet. Anthony searched the fridge, the cabinets, then the fridge again. Nothing. They had nothing to make. Anthony kicked the fridge in frustration and slid onto the ground. Then the door clicked and Ian walked in.

"Anthony?" Ian spoke calmly, "what's wrong?"

The taller of the two stood up and walked over to Ian. He pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of Ian's head. "I"m sorry" he whispered.

"Sorry?" Ian shifted out of Anthony's grasp, "sorry for what?"

"I got you your favorite food from that bakery you love, but Joven ruined your donut.."

Ian giggled, "Anthony, you dork."

Anthony was taken aback "what?"

"I don't need a donut to be happy," Ian took Anthony's hand and pulled him to the couch. He then threw him down and kissed him. "I have you!"

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