More Than A Friend-Ch 12

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There's a story about friends that no one knows. A story that has it's sad parts and it's happy parts. A story that shows how you're supposed to care for them and shows true sacrifice.     It all starts with two girls. They hadn't known each other that long, but they already felt like sisters. It may seem strange, but they had an immediate connection. A ton of people thought that they were antithetical, but when they talked, they were more alike than most had imagined.    One of the girls, whose name was Adalynn, was more dilettante than the other girl, Portia. But this just made their lives more enthralling. So, they continued to stay friends and grow. But what if, one day, their lives didn't go they way they wanted them to? What if they took a huge turn and something bad happened? What if one of them died suddenly?

    Best friends are taken so moderately, most of the time. In many instances, friends don't know how important the other is until it's too late. And this story is to make you think, "What if this happened to me?".


    It had been a long day. It was chilly outside, but the warmth of sweatshirts kept the girls quite cozy. The only problem: they weren't happy with each other.

    "I didn't mean it that way and you know it!" Portia argued as they came in from the outside modulars.

    "Then what did you mean?" Adalynn protested, grabbing her lunch box from her small locker.    Portia sighed. "I-I don't really know."

    "Huh! Of course. Look, I have to go. Text or call me when you're ready to apologize." Adalynn walked away in a huff, going the opposite direction of her friend.

    Portia couldn't think the rest of the night about anything other than their dispute. She stared at her phone for a moment before picking it up. She began to dial Adalynn's number, but her phone began to ring. Her friend Lauren was calling. Portia hung up and proceeded to type in the numbers. She decided that if what Lauren had to say was important, she'd call back. This is exactly what Lauren did.

    "What?" Portia answered defensively.

    "Portia. This is serious, so listen," Lauren demanded.

    "Why? What's wrong?" Fear began to overtake her heart.

    "It's Adalynn," Lauren hesitated and Portia could hear the tears in her voice. "She was in an accident. It doesn't look good. You need to come to the hospital right now."

    Portia didn't even think twice. After telling Lauren that she was on her way, she hung up, got dressed, and headed down the hall to her parents' room. She knocked on the door and then proceeded to open it.

    "What's up?" her mom groggily asked.

    "Adalynn's been in an accident. We have to go to the hospital right now." Her mother didn't even ask any questions, she just got right up and prepared herself to leave.

    "Should I come?" Portia's father questioned.

    "No. Someone needs to stay here with the girls. We'll keep you updated, though," Portia explained.

    "Okay," he answered.

    Once her mother, Laura, was ready, she and Portia went to the car and drove away. On the way, Portia and Lauren messaged with each other. When they finally arrived at the hospital, Portia only had a bit of time to say hello to the rest of the family before the Doctor came out. He had a long face. Portia knew. She just knew. She could feel it as she came through the door. Adalynn was dead. Her heart fell through her chest, hitting the floor and exploding. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. She felt as if her life was over; As if a part of her soul had died.

    "Was she in pain?" she asked, tears flooding her eyes, streaming down her face, but with a straight voice; Not cracked in any way.

    "It's hard to say for sure, but we don't believe so." This helped her relax an insignificant bit, but a bit nonetheless.

The rest of the night seemed to be a blur to both Lauren and Portia. Lauren didn't attend school the next day, but Portia pushed through her pain and went, regarding the circumstances. She felt as if people didn't even care. One or two came and apologized for her loss, but no one else seemed to notice. After about the third period, Portia couldn't take the pain anymore. She just broke down - crying in the middle of class. Instead of everyone asking her what was wrong, they began praying for her - asking God for his peace. Later that evening he brought her up to heaven for a small amount of time. In this time, she dreamt that she got to say goodbye to her best friend and sister. She atoned herself for the argument from the day before. This gave her a little more peace. Just enough for her to sleep at night.

Nothing else exciting happened after that. But as she began to open her feelings up about the situation, the class began asking questions and reaching out to her. Though she had lost a friend, she wasn't alone. But she still felt a piece of her soul was missing. Only, she could also feel that she would, one day, be reunited with it. She just had to be patient.

*I hope you all enjoyed! Please don't forget to submit any short stories or even poems in you would like for me to put them in! I may edit the story to correct spelling or punctuation, but only if you need it, and I saw it. Have an amazing rest of your day!*

- Nicole (Nikki) Winter

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