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July 1791

The summer heat was barely offset by the gentle breeze. Maria felt a chill run down her spine.  It had nothing to do with the weather. She glanced around the quiet street. Her husband had told her to find Alexander Hamilton. She was to ask for money and... something else.

She had a little problem obeying. She despised her husband. This man, Hamilton, was quite prestigious and quite handsome too. If this provided for her and her daughter, it would be worth any price. No, it wasn't the moral applications that caused her to stall. The difficulty she was having was much simpler than that. She was lost.

She glanced between the many doors. Making her decision, she finally picked a house. Even if it wasn't him, her husband would be satisfied with money. Surely she could get something from whoever opened the door.

Maria knocked, her fist frantically slamming against the door. The more distressed she appeared, the more pitty they would have.

After a moment, the door opened and a man, unfortunately not Hamilton, opened the door.

"Can I help you, miss?" The man looked as if he had just gotten out of bed.

"Please, sir," she began to sob, "you must help me. My husband, oh, my terrible, terrible husband, you must help me!"

"What's your name?" The man asked in a calming manner.

"Maria," she cried, "Maria Reynalds. M-my husband, he-he's gone! He left me and my child alone! H-how can I go on?!"

She was telling the half-truth. Maria couldn't even bring herself to feel guilty. She would do anything to get away from her husband, even if only for a few nights.

"Do you wish for a divorce?"

The question caught her off guard. It was a way to get away. "C-could, could I- No, it would never work. I j-just need-"

"Ma'am," he interrupted, somewhere between exasperated and compassionate. "My name is Aaron Burr. I'm a lawyer, I can help you. But first, you need to tell me what's going on."

This was it. Her way out. She could get away from her wretched husband and still find a way to care for her child.

"I would very much like your help, sir." She finally conceded.

All thoughts of Alexander Hamilton had been forgotten.


Please let me know what you think of this!

I have this planned out a good ways and hope to update on Saturdays.

Any constructive criticism welcome.

The picture attached was another draft for the cover. I really liked it too and wanted to show it to you guys.

Thanks for reading!
Please comment if you liked it!

God bless,
Jamie Dawn

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