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My first appearance begins with a curse. Actually, this is not the curse I uttered from my mouth. It's the words of a stupid guy who lives in the same house.

"Dick Johnson!"

It was Billy's cry to wake me up in bed with my eyes closed. Billy's steps up the stairs were heard. I closed my ears with a pillow.

It's too late to get out the window and run away from Billy. I got out of bed and sat in bed waiting for Billy. I put my arms around me. And I had a very irritating look on my face.

Billy opened the door and came into my room.

"If you're awake, you should answer."

Billy's voice felt sharp.

But I didn't care. Billy's speech and voice are naturally sharp.

If this is a movie, that stupid look on Billy's face for about five seconds...... No, five seconds is too long. After a three-second pause, Billy's face is sure to have such words as "stupid," "fuck," "bitch" and "geek" written in white chalk. Unfortunately, however, this is not a movie.


I spewed out a very short and brief remark so as not to lose to Billy. 'Why? That was the best thing I could say. But Billy seemed completely unaware of my feelings.

"Did you touch my Xbox?"

Oh, I touched it. But to avoid being caught, I have to maintain a ridiculous poker face. "No, I didn't touch it."

"Huh, tell him not to be funny. Samantha said she saw you playing the Xbox!"

It's a fucking Samantha.

I gulped down before I blamed Samantha for the damn thing. My throat was throbbing violently, and Billy watched my neck closely.

"I won't hit you. I won't swear. So I admit you're the criminal."

Billy spoke threateningly of me. But the threat wasn't a source of fear for me. I walked out of the room past billy, who was not afraid. Billy was dumbfounded by the way I looked, so he turned my shoulder.

"Just one more time, you play with an Xbox behind my back, and I'll kill......"

"Dick! Dick Johnson!"

It was then.

A cheerful voice calling me rang in my room, in my house.

I looked down the stairs in defiance of Billy's words. Tommy was looking up at me and Billy.

"You're not going to school?"

Tommy said.

Tommy was a savior.

Billy crumpled the glabella and I let go of my hand holding my shoulder. And warned me. "Come home and see you." But I wasn't very scared. If there's something scary about me, Samantha is the scariest one.

  "When you do that, you can say stop racial discrimination!"

Tommy said.

The way Tommy said it was used for a very long time. What if Billy is bothering me in a crowded place? "Don't be racist," I shout, and Billy is the day to be beaten by his scary-looking brothers. Still, Billy, enjoys picking on me.

"It doesn't work at home. Mom and Dad are busy. And Samantha is not an ally."

Tommy patted me on the shoulder and sighed.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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