Chapter 10

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*Emilys pov*

I woke up in Harry's arms. I snuggled in his embrace closer. I sighed sleepily.

"Hazza?" I heard the door open and Louis' voice.

"Yes?" Harry whispered.

"Can you come here?"

" Alright let me sneak out," Sneak out? I don't think so! Everytime he tried to move I started whimpering like I was having a bad dream and death-gripping him so he couldn't move.

"Uhhh I'm stuck! Let's just talk here,"

"Alright," Louis said sighing, "The boys are gone and they took Briana,"

"ALL of the boys?"Harry asked.

"No just Liam , Niall , and Zayn," Louis said.

"Awww," Harry said.

"I know right?"

"Yeah so much easier if THEY left too," Harry sighed. They? Oh probably ment Kyle and Chris.

"Well wake up your princess!" Louis said.

"Alright Boo," Harry said.

a few minutes passed before Harry woke me up.

"Em? Wake up! It's noon," NOON?! Oh my gosh!

"I'm awake," I mummbled.

"Good! Come on lunch time!"

"Ugh don't wanna get up!"

"Would you like me to carry you?"

"Pwease?" I asked holding my hands out like a child wanting to be picked up. He laughed.

"Come on Emma," He said as he picked me up. Harry carried me to the kitchen and I saw Sarah sitting with Louis. They didn't know I knew that the others were gone except Kyle Harry Louis Sarah Chris and I.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked faking confusion.

"Gone to look for others..." Harry said.

"I hope they are safe," I said.

"Of course! They all have cell phones duh!" Louis said.

"Oh quiet you!" I glared at him. Kyle walked into the room and hugged me.

"Morning!" he said cheerily.

"Morning. My my someones a little happy today," I chuckled.

"Yeah just a little," he said cracking a smile. Chris walked in after a while and went straight to Sarah.

"Hey hun!" Chris said hugging her.

"Hey Cheops!" Kyle Chris Sarah and I all laughed. We all gave each other stupid nicknames. Mine was Kitty , Kyle's was Kittah , Chris' was Cheops because of a spelling error, and Sarah's was Shaqueefah. Good times! After we were done laughing Harry and Louis looked at us like we were crazy.

"I'll tell you later," I mouthed at Harry. He nodded.

"TIME FOR FOOD!!!!!" Louis said out loud.

"YEAHHHHH!" Sarah agreed with him.

"TIME FOR NOMS!!!!" I yelled too.

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