Chapter nine

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For the past 6 months Meredith and Andrew's lives were based on finding something, anything that could help Thomas. Unfortunately though, no one was able to help. Not a bit. 
Meredith felt the need to jump from one children's hospital to another, but Andrew reached a point where he was sick of the 'we're sorry' phrase, but he couldn't tell Meredith that. Unless he wanted her to hate him anyway.
"Mer, I really think we need to take a break from the doctors and take a moment to appreciate the fact that Thomas is safe and happy." Andrew said. He's been building up the courage to say that for a long long time; and today he finally did. he silently sighed, fearful of her response. They just got the kids down and were looking for a movie to watch. "What do you mean? You better not be suggesting that we just sit here and watch our son struggle." She responded anger and hurt obvious in her tone.
"That's...not what I'm trying to say, mer. Just stop the worrying for a moment and take a look at this situation from a different point of view. Thomas he- he's thriving...and he's happy and healthy and happy." Andrew repeated. He looked into her eyes, her obviously very hurt expression sent violent goosebumps down his arms.
"Andrew, I don't even know how to respond to that-" she said rising to her feet from the couch she was so comfortable in a minute ago.
"He-he should be crawling and he should be attempting to walk, he- he should be able to do what 6 month old babies do." Meredith said tears streaming down her face. It was and still is very hard for her to comprehend the fact that her son wouldn't be able to run and play football with his brother. He won't be able to do normal things every kid should be able to do. "Meredith...He's still amazing. He is very intelligent and he's already starting to talk...even- even if he's barely saying mama...6 month old babies don't say mama, mer!" He extended his arm in attempt to pull her to his chest but all she did was pull away.
"I-I'm going to bed, Andrew. You can find a blanket and a pillow by my room's door." Meredith said faintly. She was so mad at him for saying this. How could he, was all she wanted to know. Her baby boy can't walk and he makes it seem like it's no big deal. It is a big deal! She just walked away, and all she could feel was hurt.
Meredith made her way to the pastel green themed nursery and to her baby's crib. He was so peaceful and quiet. He almost looked okay...almost. She then went to check up on the kids and then went back to her bed. She couldn't even bother changing. She just layed her head against her pillow and slept.

Hi y'all! Sorry I haven't posted in a while I'm so busy with school and's just been stressful🤡 I really hope you enjoy this and I promise I'll try posting more longer chapters:))
Have a good one!

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