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Hate the creation🃏

Everything in this world steams from some source or creation. Life and death is in the tongue. What we touch feel see hear say and do comes from something within us, when we put it out there it can bring us back good or bad some call it karma some call it reaping and sowing!

With each word said we plant seeds as well and this Joker coming out is thee Epiphany of the hate that people can create in a person planting seeds of doubt hate depression etc to the point where when you look in a mirror you don't see your self anymore.....

As you watch the trailer you can see even if you feel life dealt you out a bad hand you can turn it around but if all you have is negativity around you what do you do ?!

Trust me I'm even questioning myself to watch what I say ,take my own advice make sure I'm living it not just saying it!

Create 💕 Love!

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