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✰- 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬: 𝐥𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐢

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐋𝐄𝐘 proudly smiles as he unwrinkled his shirt. he's now 20 and is an accountant. he has a good life but he still had nightmares about IT. sometimes the nightmares are so bad stanley would rather be dead then have to witness them, same with the flashbacks.
"stanley! i thought i said to stop being such a compulsive freak!" david, stanleys boyfriend, said.
"right. sorry david." stanley says with a sad smile.

"someone from maine called. said it was a boy named mike hanlon... you're not cheating on me are you stanny?" david asked as he stroked stans face. his hands never felt like richies.

"maine?" stanley knew that name from anywhere. it was the town where he had fallen in love and had been almost killed by a demonic being.

"stanley uris speaking. how may i help you?" stanley prayed it wasn't the time yet. it hasn't been 27 years. he's not ready to see him again.

"stanley? it's mike, mike hanlon from derry" stanley could remember that voice clearly. mike was one of his best friends. there is no way he could forget him.

"it's come back hasn't it?" stanley feels himself begin to shake remembering.

"so you remember? odd. do you live in derry still? ive never seen you."

"no i left as soon as richie left. couldn't take hearing his name anymore i guess. i live in georgia. why?" stanley felt himself cringe at the mention of richies name. he hadn't said that name in 6 years.

"well the others don't remember derry or what happened in it at all. i had to make them remember. once you leave derry you forget everything that happened in it"

stanley felt himself question how richie and the others are and where they are. mainly richie though. he quickly shook the thought.

"i-i uh. i don't know if i can do this mike.." stanley began to pace around. nervous at the thought of pennywise even getting into his head again.

"stanl-" stanley hung up. he felt himself sink to the ground. he'd always been weak. always. what would make this any different than before?

"you're cheating on me stanny. i don't like that. people who cheat deserve to get punished." david enters the bedroom with the belt. the same belt he hit stanley with when he stopped to fix the painting, or when he was doing a puzzle. the one he used when he saw stanley with a picture of richie and him as kids. he never leaves without that picture.

"rich! stop messing with those birds!" stanley shooed richie away from chasing the pigeons.
"aw come on stanny boy! can't you have a little fun?" richie asked as he held his chin in his hand. richie sarcastically gave him love eyes. stanley couldn't look even if it was fake. he'd fall even more for the trashmouth.
the losers all returned to the park with ice cream. "mmm try mine staniel!" richie screamed as he shoved the ice cream in stanleys face.

"quick take a picture of us before stanley murders me!" bill takes the picture and shakes it as stanley chases richie.

"david im sorry theyre just my friends i promise. listen i-i need to go to derry for a few days." stanley exclaims as he backs up.

"no. you are to stay here. you are not leaving!" david lunges forward and hits stanley with the belt. it slashes stanleys skin leaving a red mark.

david grabs stanleys arms leaving bruises "you are to stay in this room till i feel you'll come in handy again. stop cheating stanny, or next time it'll be worse."

stanley kicks david causing him to fall. he rushes to the closet and throws a bunch of clothes into his backpack..

"don't ever come near me again david!" stanley yells as he leaves the house.

"youll come back stanny! you need me! you'll see no one else will want you!" davids yells become muffled as stanley slams the door.

"i won't need you if i kill this fucking clown."

𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝; 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐳𝐢𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now