Caribou Moon (Part 1)

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THERE WAS A TIME IN EARLY autumn when the moon cut the night like the thin curve of a caribou antler. It was at this time that the herds began to move south, first the cows with their calves and then the males. The wolves would track the beginnings of this great migration to seek out any old females or weak youngsters, but the hunting code of the clans forbade the killing of healthy calves. And the real hunting did not begin until the males came.
On this morning as the sun broke on the horizon, a howl curled into the air. It was the summoning howl of Greer, the she-wolf skreeleen of the MacDuncan River Pack. But it was not for caribou, it was for moose. The tracks of a bull moose had been discovered near the river. Scouts had been sent out to find the trials, and while they were gone, a byrrgis, the hunting formation, was gathering.
Bull moose could be unpredictable and, despite their staggering bulk, quite nimble. Therefore, it required a good-size byrrgis to them down. It was dangerous work, especially at this time of year, the moose mating season. Even Faolan's second milk mother, a grizzly bear, gave moose a wide margin during the time of the Caribou Moon. Faolan tried to keep calm as the packs gathered and waited for the scouts' return...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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