A New Start

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Today was my first day starting out at the CCG. I was super excited that this moment had finally come for me. I'd worked my ass off just to get in the top spot in the academy. I placed 3rd in my class not too bad but I knew I could've done better. And I'll show it here and get promoted to Special Class Investigator! I squealed at the thought while walking through the doors. Everyone looked my way probably thinking that I was insane. I quickly realized this and hung my head in shame not looking ahead causing me to bump and fall on to something or rather someone! I looked up and saw who the victim was. It was a man who had brown hair and the most pissed off look that I've ever seen. "Sorry !"I my eyes widened quickly panicking to getting off of him. I blushed looking down not believing how much of a clutz I'd been today. The before me man didn't seem too pleased about the incident either. He scrunched his eyes menacingly at me. "Watch were you're going!" He yelled before walking off.

I stood there hanging my head down in shame again. "Argh why am I such a clutz today!!!" I yelled to no one but myself, pulling at my own hair. Before a somewhat large hand had made its way upon my shoulder. "Hey it's okay!" The young man with white hair said. "Everyone makes mistakes and don't worry about him. He's a stuck up jerk!" he smiled reassuringly. I turned towards him with a surprised look on my face. He looked very.....unique was the only word I could come up with for his appearance. He had white hair like I had just said and red stitches through out his body. They looked really cool that I couldn't help but stare at him in a trance. "Hello Miss?" I heard a faint voice say. "Are you ok?" the male had said jolting me back to reality. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry bout that my name's (Name) by the way" I told him. "Well Nice to meet you Ms.(Name). I'm Juuzou Suuzuya! He grinned. "Well Juuzou it's nice to meet you as well." told him before my eyes shifted toward the clock. "Oh shit, I'm gonna be late! I'll see you later Juuzou" I squealed trying to make run toward the elevator.

I made it there by the skin of my teeth.... well mostly anyway. My beautiful pinned up (color) hair was now disheavled, my shirt was now untucked and wrinkled, and my make up was a little ruined from the sweat dripping down my face. Everyone in the elevator looked my way even the guy from earlier who glared my way. They all made me feel a little on edge. Their stares were a little discomforting to me. I looked down and stayed quiet during the ride to my office. Which wasn't too much longer. As, it finally stopped on the floor I was supposed to get off at. I started to walk out of the elevator,followed by an extra pair of foot steps. I didn't know who it was but that didn't matter at the moment as I aimlessly walked through the corridor looking for my name on the plaque outside the door.

It didn't take long to find my designated room it had my name under a man called Seidou Takizawa. I went inside and sat down at my desk where my name tag had been placed. I set down my blazer and my purse. Not even a minute or so later a man with a stern and cold expression on his face came into the room and behind him the smaller man I'd met earlier."Now Ms.(Surname), today'll be your first day on the job and starting from now on Mr.Takizawa and I, Kousuke Houji will be your partners" He explained showing off the younger male. Who was still giving the eyes as if he were superior to me with a smug smile. I got up from my seat and bowed, "Nice to meet you Mr.Houji and Mr.Takizawa.I hope we'll be able to get along and work well together." I rose back up and gave the to men a smile. "Such a polite and nice young lady." Kousuke says cooly. "Now, Mr.Takizawa and Ms.(Surname), this will be your assignments get the information of these ghouls." He says hand me and Seidou some papers. "Yes sir right away" We both said in unison going to our assigned seats.

I began typing away trying to get some more of the information on the ghouls that I was tasked to get some more information on their whereabouts, but nothing was coming up for any information up on my end. Sweat was dripping from my for head and I was mentally exhausted from the job. As I leaned back into my chair, closing my eyes and sighing ever so loudly, trying to get some relief on my strained back. I didn't expext the work to be this exhausting, but as I looke up and glanced my eyes to the other side of the room. I watched Seidou typing away almost finished with the paper work we were both handed. I stared in awe and decided to walk over and see how he was able to do this.

I leaned over watching him before he got annoyed."Can I help you?!" He asked agravated of my intrusion of his personal space. I looked at him nodding my head. " Yes how are you able to do this so quickly?" I asked amazed. He soon calmed down a bit before smiling. " I don't know I've just been doing it for a while, I guess. But, I'd rather be doing field work unlike this dumb jargon." He said gesturing at the paper work on his screen of a random ghoul. "Wo-would yo-you be a-ab-le to hel-lp me?" I stuttered embarressed. I should do it by myself, but I'm stuck. So, what's a person supposed to do than ask for help from a co-worker who's good at it. "Yea sure," He smiled getting up out of his seat walking over to my desk. I watched him typing away and helping me find the information I needed about the ghouls that we were looking for. Watching Seidou help me with the job gave me a sense of what I should be doing. WIth him doing it seemed easy. I was happy that the man gave me some time out of his day just to help me out with my work.

It was now about 9:40 p.m., everyone had just left the office. Leaving me by myself with the work that I had been doing nonstop for hours. My eyes were starting to grow tired from how long I'd been at it as well as the time. But, I refused to let that stop me and went to grab a coffee out of the break room. I poured the bitter liquid out of the pitcher and into a cup, then headed back to my office. I sat back down, setting the coffee right beside me after taking a sip. I got back to work.

It was now 1:23 a.m. My eyes had began to get heavy and it was hard to me to stay awake. Every time I tried to keep them open, but doing so only made them get heavier and heavier. I soon ended up going to a light sleep. Not much later I started hearing heavy masculine foot steps coming closer. They soon stopped infront of me, draping what felt like a blazer over my shoulders. Work had really taken it out of me 'cause I didn't care too much of who was in the room with me at this moment. I'd rather just get a good nights sleep for tomorrow's work.

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