Their pasts

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Timeskip to infront of Rins place he went inside

Damn why did they have to be their I just need to get some sleep

Rin went and got his shower and put his pajamas on and went to sleep

Back with the boys

After Rin left Tyson turned back to the back with a very pissed off look on his face

I see your the fuckers who hurt Rin by saying all that shit just because he's the son of fucken Satin your going to fucken get it now

Alex and Gordan stopped him from punching them and Estal stood in front of them

Why are you protecting those fuckers

Tyson what did Rin say the last time you did this

Grr whatever i'm going home i'll warn you if you ever say or even do anything to hurt Rin again their will not be anyone their to stop me from kicking your fucking asses by guys

Tyson just walked out to go home

Is he really going to do that

Yep you pissed him off for fucking with Rin

Why is so protective of Rin

I'll tell you about Tysons past

Alright then

They all sit down on the floor

Alright now Tyson was abandoned by his parents at a very young age and his Aunt is the one who took him in and everyone made fun of him because he wasn't like the resthe didn't have parents no one understood how he felt except his Aunt because her parents did the same thing to her and his second year of middle school he lost everyone he was at home when he got a call from the hospital that his Aunt got in a car crash and he went to the hospital to see her just to find out that she was dead then everyone started picking on him more saying it was his fault that he doesn't have anyone left and that sparked a fire in Tyson he started fighting that made some people end up in the hospital because of saying that crap about Tyson and a three years later he got into a big fight that involved five other guys and he knocked out four of them he thought those where the only guys their but their was one behind him thst had a metal bar and hit Tyson that's when he met Rin Rin stop that guy from hiting Tyson again then after the fight was over Rin took Tyson home with him and Rin and his brother helped take care of him and he found out about their past and Rin told Tyson that they are his family now and he was happy he stopped fighting unless they say crap about him or Rin and Rin has done the same thing

Now I see

Wait so that's why he looked like he was about to kill us

All three of them

How did you guys find out about Rins secret

Gordan laughed nervously and started to speak

Well it was two years ago at our first concert when we found out even our fans

Your fans even knows

Yep thanks to me


Well Rin told me to hold onto his sword while he was singing on stage and told me not to take the sword out and in the middle of the song I got curious and pulled it out and what we thought was a normal sword actually turned out to be a demon blade and it had blue flames around it then we looked up on stage at him and saw he had flames on him as well we thought it was damn cool though so did the fans most of the girls thought he looked hot and everyone loves him

After a reporter or someone heard us talking about you guys saying that crap about him it got out to the people that that's what been going through everyone supported him because he didnt choose to be a demon nor Satins son for that fact and the only thing he has ever wanted is to be treated like a human he doesn't wants to lose his only family and friends so keep your asses away from Rin

After hearing all of that made them feel seriously guilty mostly Bon knowing he loved Rin

I'm going to head back are you coming

Yeah we should head back bye guys

I'll walk you guys out

The three walked out when they got outside

I'm sorry for them being mean

No we understand why they where mad at us and I promise I wont bother him anymore but I can't say the same about this guy

What do you mean why not

Estal looked curiously at Bon

I'm I love with Rin

Estal then got big eyes at what he said

Wait so you feel the same as Rin then

You knew Rin has a crush on me

We yeah me and the other even are friends knows that

Wait even your guys fans

Well yeah Rin said sense he can trust us he wont hide anything anymore so he told us who his crush we where sorta suprised it was a guy but when his fan girls found out it got funny

What did they say about it

Estal trys not to laugh while saying it

Well they thought it was cute and they can't wait to see them together and they where fan girling of the hook it was unbelievable what else they said even the others agreed with it because they just want Rin to be happy

Wait so your fine with me being with Rin

Well yeah but I can't say the same for the other they dont trust you two expecly Tyson you better not mess with Rin anymore or you going to end up K.O on the ground

Yep totally

Good bye guys have a nice night

You to

The boys started heading back to the Academy

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