Chapter 0 - Prologue

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Everyone knew it would happen at some point- the end of the world, or an apocalypse. No one thought it would end like this, though. No one.
But look at her now, dressed in her dark cargo pants-rising above the living and the undead. Her resources were unlimited and so was her spirit. (She liked to think.)


Huffing, she observed her surroundings, she'd stumbled upon a seemingly empty parking lot. Knowing this area as one of the most dangerous, she kept her hand on the barrel of her beloved revolver. CRASH! Her head flicked to where the sound was made, shoulders tensed. Silently creeping towards the sound, she gasped- hand reaching toward her mouth, shaking.

There he was...her younger brother. Cracked skull, eyes rolling to the back of his head, blood everywhere. She crouched down and felt his neck for a pulse...nothing.

Tears were spilling from her eyes as she bit her bottom lip.

Slipping her gun out of her holster, she slowly turned the safety off, gritting her teeth.

Using her right hand, she slowly closed his eyelids and kissed his forehead. Adjusting her grip, she shakily stood up and aimed. BANG!

She held back her sobs, her brother of just 16 years is dead. Sliding her gun back into her holster, she quickly ran towards the exit. Hoisting herself up above ground.

'There was no bite,' she thought to herself, 'it was a human who killed him..or maybe the crash was him falling? No..' Wiping her eyes, she picked at her nails, 'Fuck.' She glared at seemingly nothing, clenching her fists.

Julia was on a mission, a personal one. She knew there was no time for things being personal in an apocalypse like this, but she couldn't help it, knowing that someone had beaten her brother half to death and then threw him away like a piece of trash. She knew she had to find his captor. One way or another, she would avenge him.

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