Three Lessons And Bullets (Part 2)

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(Too much drama ahead)

Toph's Pov

I can't believe it. Satoru shot Sokka, thrice! And I couldn't do anything because he locked me inside the car. I watched in horror as Sokka didn't showed any vulnerability despite bleeding. He was strong. Not physically but in spirit.

Satoru tucked the gun back in his waist and told Sokka something that I couldn't hear. He left him there, opening the driver seat's door. I screamed at him, "What did you just do! Satoru, why did you do such a thin-" Annoyed, he smacked his soft metal scented palm across my mouth, shutting me up. I shook my head to get rid of his palm, continuing to scream at him due to panic. "Satoru, we have to take him to the hospital. We can't just leave him there-" He clicked his tongue before slamming the door close, making extra sure if there were ever pedestrians at this blazing weather, they wouldn't hear my voice. He turned his body to my direction and glared.

"All of this is happening because of you, understand?" He yelled angrily.

"Then let me take responsibility!" I cried out, reaching by him to flick one of the switches on his door that would unlock mine. He grabbed my stretched out wrist and harshly threw it back.

"Shut up, Toph!"

"No!" I reached for the switch again but he grabbed both of my wrists and pulled me towards him just to quickly slam my spine against the car door behind me. I grunted in pain.

"Keep doing foolish things and you'll end up like him. You hear me?"

I can't believe it. I pursed my lips, lowering my head in defeat. I have to do something to help Sokka. I don't have Katara's number or anyone in my classroom.

He took my silence as a victory, "Good. Man, Sokka was a stubborn one. He thinks he's some hero. You're not a damsel that needed saving, because your hero is already here. Me." Satoru laughed, reaching his arm out to pinch my cheek. Even though I was looking down, I could feel his cold eyes intently observing my form. "Why do you care about him? I'm the only one who can accept you. So drop everyone."

"Satoru, hand me your phone." I whispered.

"And why?"

"Please." I looked at him using my large pleading eyes. He smiled in defeat. "I won't ever talk to him or anyone again. I won't even look at someone. So please... Just save him."

Satoru just looked at me with a mocking sad face, "More reasons why we shouldn't. He made you act like this."

I glanced at Sokka through the windows, thinking deeply about my next actions. He would die if I won't move soon. I'm sorry, Satoru.

"I won't let you kill someone." Despite shaking in fear, I stubbornly glared at him, my vision getting blurry and my head stinging. The doctors told me to stay away from stress because it would trigger the veins in my eyes.

"Sit down, Toph Bei fong." Satoru ordered coldly, not taking me seriously as he started the engine. The car rumbled to life. I sat there, curling my sweating, band-aid wrapped fingers into fists, they ache, waiting as calm as I can be, and when he finally began driving the car forward, I immediately reached over to spin the driving wheel. "What the hell!"

From my reckless action, the wheels changed directions and the front of the car loudly crashed against the truck parked beside us. The car Satoru owns was expensive so it didn't broke but it surely gained major scratches.

"Toph, what the fuck!" Satoru screamed out of anger, completely distracted at the view ahead of us. While he was, I took this chance to reach by him and since I have no idea which one would unlock my door, I flicked all of the switches open. My car 'clicked' so I quickly swung it open and ran out, going straight to Sokka.

"Damn," Sokka said. He was so pale! "This hurts. Are you okay, Toph?"

"I'm okay. Give me your phone, I'll call your sister!"

"In my boxers..."

I quickly lifted his shirt, revealing a phone tucked in his waistband. I quickly dialed Katara's number and called her but before she could answer to everything I've told her, the phone in my grip flew off. I looked across us, Satoru stood there, heaving, pointing the gun at us. He had shot the phone! I looked at it and there was a bullet hole. We can't use that any longer.

"Toph, you're so fucking stubborn." Satoru huffed, panting as he approached us. "I'll end that boy for sure this time!" As he pointed the weapon at Sokka, I covered up for him and closed my eyes, waiting for the bullet to dig into my flesh.


I slowly opened my eyes. I felt no pain at all. Satoru had fallen on his knees, crying as he squeezed his bleeding shoulder. I slowly looked. Two officers arrived and behind them were... Zuko? He was recording everything.

"This is enough evidence." Zuko said, "Lock him up, sir."

One of the officers went to tend Sokka's injury, wrapping a fabric around his arm to lessen the bleeding. I stood there, being questioned by the police. I don't want Satoru hurt nor Sokka. I want them both to be fine.

The police wanted to ask me questions right away and I was planning to defend and lie for Satoru's sake, however before I could, Zuko had snatched me for a moment. We talked at the corner of the crime scene as police set up yellow 'do not pass' tapes around the area to keep people out.

"I've seen everything." Zuko said.

"How?" I asked, confused.

"I've always knew you were being mistreated by Satoru." Zuko said, "I'm ashamed for myself because I didn't do anything to help you. It just seemed like you don't need any help. But I saw how Sokka liked you. If he likes someone, it means that person must be special. He's an idiot really but he can see who's evil and kind. So I decided to finally try and help you. "

"How did you know we're here?"

"Well, last night while we were drinking, Sokka kept talking about you. How cute your smile is and all of those flirtatious things. He said if given the chance, he would like to be atleast friends with you. I wanted to tell him everything I know about your true condition but I don't want to make him worry since he does really reckless, stupid things for those he likes. But it seemed he already did it today."

"Oh.... But why were you here, you didn't answered the question."

"Oh, right. Our fridge broke so I came here to buy drinks to cure my headache. I just live a few blocks from Katara's home. When I came here to smoke, I saw everything and recorded it while calling the police. You're safe now. You won't ever see Satoru anymore. I'm sure he'll be sent to an asylum-"

"No. Why would you do that?" I asked, panicking slightly. "You don't have to record everything! Satoru isn't crazy!"

"You're seriously defending him after all he had done to you? After what he did to someone who he almost killed?"

"No, it's not that I don't want him to get away with his crimes-"

"That's exactly what you wanted to do. Because what, you're scared to be alone? To be separated by the only man who can love you?"

"Zuko..." Tears stung my eyes.

"Ms. Toph," Zuko said. "He was controlling you. You're something more than just his lover. You deserve po be treated so much more. You wouldn't understand me for now or you choose not to, but this is for the best."

"Please... Don't do this to Satoru."

"I've already did." Zuko held my shoulder so I looked into his eyes. He looked at me seriously. "Please, before talking to the police at least talk to Sokka first. It may help."

I stood there in sorrow as he left, the sound of ambulance defeaning. I slowly faced the crime scene and the flickering colorful police lights blinded me for a moment.

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