{ SIX }

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*Sin POV*

"Look at this…he got rejected like a piece of trash." I turned the phone to Nina and she scoffed loudly. 

We were both sitting on the floor, our backs against the counter and empty bottles of alcohol lying around us.  For the past hour we had been going through the phones of the dead people in the bar, it was quite entertaining actually. 

"I should've just given you a gun with three bullets." She took a long swig of vodka and glanced at me. Her eyes that were covered with silver contacts made her seem less scary than her normal black, drunk eyes did. 

"At least they won't get raped now." I turned to her and smiled positively. She shook her head in disbelief and exhaled heavily.

"But the bodies…and the floor…takes so long to get the blood out of the wood." She grabbed a nearby bottle of clear spirits and started pouring it into the half empty bottle of vodka, making a mixture that would no doubt kill any normal person. 

"I'll send someone…" I held out my hand and she passed me the bottle. I took a sip and coughed at how the raw alcohol and spirits burned my tongue and nose. I shoved it back in her hands and shook my head out, feeling drowsy and sleepy. 

"You'll send who? The tall buck?" She pressed the opening of the bottle to her lips and chugged down the toxic substance. She was such a heavy drinker that her insides were no doubt charred and hardened from the poison. 

"You mean Jin? No…I…I keep him by my side…where it's safe." I threw away the strangers' phone and sunk lower down against the floor. 

"You llllike him." She playfully hit my arm and I shook my head carelessly. The bar started to get thick with the smell of fresh blood but that smell was what made me and Nina feel safe and at home. It was comforting knowing we were surrounded by dead bodies…a dead person can't hurt you.

"I don't like him. I like his brain. He's so fucking smart….sometimes I wonder if he's planning to take over everything I've worked for." I smiled as I thought of how he could always see things perfectly. He knew exactly what I needed just by a single look. 

"Maybe he likes you and that's why he hasn't killed you." She turned to me and laid her head on my lap, placing her hands on my thighs as she drew patterns of knives and guns on my pants. 

I closed my eyes as his words ran rampant in my mind. Sin…I was…worried. 

But you're never worried, Jin. You're emotionless, you're fearless. Why would you worry about me when you know nothing can hurt me? 

"It doesn't matter….I just wanna know one thing…" I ran my hands over her face gently, my fingers sliding over the cold pieces of metal that were etched into her flesh. "How the fuck did you manage to get over thirty piercings in this face of yours?" I chuckled teasingly and she did a dramatic eye roll. 

"With a lot of alcohol and a fuck load of lube. The only two things you need in life." She turned her body so that she was looking up at me. I tapped her bottom lip and she stuck her tongue out, showing me the assortment of studded piercings in it. 

"Don't forget dick. Three things." I ran my index finger down the middle of her tongue and she pulled it back in. The silence really had us in a good mood. There was no bickering, no offensive jokes, just me and her having two or thirty drinks for old times sake. 

"Nina…you're not gonna die right?" My eyebrows furrowed as I stared into her eyes.  She looked at me hazily, the corners of her mouth curling up in a million-dollar smile. 

"We don't die, Sin, remember? We just go to hell to pick a fight with Satan." She scrunched up her nose and giggled. I laughed back with her, feeling content and at peace. Alcohol is a fucking poisonous blessing.  

"Hey, Nina…I found a man…" I closed my eyes and remembered the terrified look on his face, the way he kneeled down with his perfect hands trembling like dead leaves in autumn. 

"He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life." I subconsciously smiled as I replayed the morning's events, how could there be such a gorgeous creature in this world? 

"Hmm….does my little crow have a crush?" Nina held a bottle over her mouth and poured the alcohol in, making a mess all over her and me. 

"I don't know…I just want to touch him so badly. I want to grab him, I want to hurt him, I want to feel the way he trembles, I want to feel his fear soaking into my fingers…" I sat up immediately, feeling my heart rate increasing at the thoughts in my head. 

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, the alcohol momentarily leaving my head to make room for a violent array of thoughts. 

"I want to make his heart bleed."

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