chapter 1

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teacher: "that's all for today"
lok wakes fro his dream of exploring an ancient cavern at those words he looks around to see everyone one packing up and remembers that there's a history test tomorrow
he chases after the person who sits in front of him who is also the smartest person in class his name is lucas casterwill. he's the heir to the ancient family of casterwill. lok catches up with lucas and says "I completely conked in today's review class, could you help me study seeing as your the smartest person in class"
lucas not knowing who lok was asked "who are you" lok says "I'm lok lambert I sit behind you in history this year, sat next to you in maths the year before that and science before that" lucas looks at lok and says "is there a reason you stopped me"
lok answer "yea I asked earlier if you could help me study for the history test tomorrow" lucas says "no I can't I'm busy" lok sees the book in lucas's hand and says "so you like crosswords
how about this if I can finish this crossword in two minutes you have to help me study" lucas agrees thinking that lok will never finish it in two minutes
two minutes later
"I can't believe it, you actually finished it in under two minutes and you didn't even rub or scratch anything out" exclaimed lucas
"so you'll tell me what to do on the exam right" said lok
"no, I'll help you study for it" answered lucas

there's my dorm, up there" said lok
"you do have books right" questioned lucas after looking around loks dorm and noticing puzzles everywhere
"well I haven't read them cover to cover or anything" answered lok
while getting his books off the top shelf
" Read them cover to cover, lok you haven't read them at all there still in their original packaging" said Lucas a bit sarcastically
"oh what's this" asked lucas looking at a pot of some type, lucas starts to lift it  but lok says "no, that was my dad's"
lucas startled by lok drops the pot
the pot shatters and inside is a book with a weird symbol and a silver necklace with a green stone in the middle
"what's this" said lok, who picked up the necklace
seconds later a  green glow appeared around lok
lucas was so concentrated on the book that he didn't hear lok
seconds later the window explodes and two people jump through
"suits" whispers lucas
"augerfrost" shouted the two suits
"run" says lucas
lok and lucas run out the door and the building
when they think their far enough away they take a break "do you know what this is" asks lucas
"yes, no, maybe?" said lok
"we have to get this journal to Dante Vale" said lucas

I will be adding more but I want peoples opinion on what I have done so far
so to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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