a hotel somewhere, 1981

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It was well past midnight when Simon woke up. He stirred after rolling over in the hotel bed and not feeling Robert next to him. It was odd, Robert was usually pushed right against Simon's side when he slept.

He yawned as he propped himself up on his elbows. Blinking hard a few times trying to adjust to the dark room. In the darkness he could make out a person pacing worriedly about the room; Robert.

Simon yawned again, taking in the sight before him. Robert's short hair was a mess, presumably from him trying to sleep on it. He was wearing a large white shirt that hung off his one shoulder and shifted as he walked, exposing his collarbone and a few sparse freckles. Despite the distressed expression on his face Simon thought he looked beautiful. In the darkness off the room you could make out his intense blue gray eyes, even if there was a sadness about them. And the graceful motion of him lifting his cigarette to his lips was enough to make Simon smile fondly.

Simon stretched and stood up, making his way to over to Robert. He wrapped his arms around Roberts torso, pulling him in gently, and placed his head on his shoulder, leaving a light kiss near the back of Robert's neck. The two stood there wordless for a moment.

Simon planted another kiss, this time on Robert's jaw. Robert leaned back into Simon and took another drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke lightly in Simon's direction. A content noise came from the back of Simon's throat.

"Let's go to sleep," Simon whispered "You'll feel better when you're rested." A large sigh came from the back of Robert's throat, he turned and left a kiss next to Simon's ear. Robert opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it. Simon knew exactly what he meant. That was one of the things he loved about Robert, he could say a million things without saying anything at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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