Locked In

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I was falling in love with her, and she was falling in love with me. It was fated, decided before any of us were born, and I hated it as much as I loved it.

-Shannon A. Thompson, Minutes Before Sunset (Timely Death, #1)

𝓢eventh period potions class, Friday just before Winter break. A short brown bushy haired girl was sitting in the back of the class, impatiently waiting for class to end.

You see, when you already know everything about different kinds of potions and how to make them, the entire concept of potions class bores you to death, because you already know everything.

Slughorn was rambling about water-breathing potions and their side affects. Hermione was bored out of her mind. She found herself drifting from the words the professor was saying to all the young wizards and witches,  miscellaneous objects in the room, posters about different kinds of potions, etc. Her eyes lingered purposelessly across the room. They landed on a certain Draco Malfoy, who was sitting on the opposite side of the class, on the second row of tables.

For whatever reason her eyes stayed on him for a while. She examined his features closely; his silky blonde hair, his soft, big hands, his sharp gray eyes. It was pretty incredible how perfect he looked. He was everything a girl could physically ask her. Personality wise, he was anything but desirable. She let out a short barely audible laugh and looked away.


𝓣he short sound of bell ringing excited Hermione. She stood up faster than anyone, and so did Draco surprisingly. Well, not to Hermione at least. He was second in the class, almost as smart as her, he also seemed pretty bored in this class.

She and Draco were the first out of the classroom. The hallway was crowded, forcing Draco and Hermione to awkwardly walk side by side to each other. They didn't look at each other, they just quietly and uncomfortably kept walking to their next class.

Hermione's eyes wandered to the different people in the halls and then to the wall. She saw a small wooden door. She assumed it to be a broom closet. As she approached it, she kept focusing on it. Draco wasn't paying attention to the door and instead was focusing on the ground.

The door was fast approaching. Hermione payed it no mind, just kept staring at it. It creaked open, but Hermione didn't question it much. It kept moving closer, and closer and closer. 10 feet, 7 feet, 3 feet, 1 foot.

Suddenly, she felt a large body to her left push her into the closet, and then fall into it themselves. She heard laughter outside and she could make out Draco's angry voice shouting at them.

"Haha very funny Blaise! Now get us out of here, you bastard!"

He banged on the door, and Hermione could make light of the situation now. She could hear Ginny's voice laughing on the other side. Rage filled her too.

"Ginny? What the hell! Get us out of this place!"

Ginny laughed louder as her footsteps faded away, and so did Blaise'.



Draco and Hermione simultaneously roared.


𝓢he was locked in a broom closet. With Draco Malfoy. It didn't help that the thing was maybe the smallest broom closet ever made. You could probably not even be able to fit a third person in there.

They were as far as they could get from one another, although it wasn't very far at all. It was a struggle just to keep their bodies from accidentally touching.

"Great. I'm trapped in here. With you. And absolutely no way out." Hermione muttered.

"I'm not exactly jumping with joy either, Granger. But we should just wait this out, I mean they've got to let us out at some point, right?"

"Yeah. Unless.." Hermione just had an awful realization about the thing she told Ginny the other day. The secret she promised she wouldn't tell anybody.

"Unless?" But then Draco also had a sort of brain wave. He had once hinted to Blaise about something.

They both had the exact same thought at the exact same time.

Unless they would have a reason to.


𝓣hey had been in there for almost an hour. School was just about over, and they were getting anxious. Draco kept trying to break down the door, but it kept failing.

"Just give up, it's hopeless"

"Look I don't want to be stuck here any longer."

"Well, they probably put a jinx on that door. Just give up, and wait."

Draco smirked slyly.

"Wait, are you saying you want to be stuck in here?"

"What? No, why would I want to be stuck in this stuffy broom closet?" She asked angrily.

"Let me rephrase that. You want to be stuck in here..with me?"

Hermione blushed furiously. She didn't know what to say. Should she deny it all? Or should she tell him? Or should she just keep quiet?

"W-Why would you ever assume I wanted to be stuck in here with you of all people?"

Draco grinned. In a moment, he pinned her against the wall, towering over her, and lookin her dead in the eyes.

"Oh, I don't know.. Why don't you tell me?"

"I don't have anything to say to a Death Eater like you."

He frowned slightly, and let go of her.

"If you insist."

In the eerie silence, Hermione looked away and  muttered under her breath.

"You're lucky I like you."

Sadly for her, she said that a little bit too loud.

Draco looked at her surprised. He pinned her to the wall again, but softly. This time, he looked into her eyes longingly, and hopeful.

"You like me?" He smiled.


They stayed silent.

"Maybe just a little.."

"A little?"

"A lot. Too much for my own good."

Draco smirked.

"Are you saying you love me?"

She hesitated.

"I'm saying I love you more than you can ever imagine."

Draco smirked seductively.

"Well I love you a hell of a lot more"

Draco crashes his lips into Hermione's. She kissed back. Their lips moved in sync, passionately. Draco's tongue slithered slyly into Hermione's mouth. Hermione involuntarily moaned, their tongues battling for dominance. Draco's tongue righteously won and explored Hermione's mouth. Her arms found their way around his neck, her fingers running through his silky blonde hair.

Just as he was about to slither his hands down to her waist, the sound of a door unlocking made them pull away, and when the door started slowly creaking open they broke away completely.

In the doorway, stood a smiling Ginny and Blaise. A very angry Hermione and Draco greeted them as they opened the door.

"What was the meaning of that?" Hermione asked angrily. Their smiles disappeared and instead were replaced with fearful looks. They gulped. An ocean full of shouts of anger came at them from both Draco and Hermione.

Amidst all the drama, the mischievous pair whispered to each other:

"Aw, I wish they would just hookup already.."

After another ten minutes of chastisement, the two newfound couple angrily (and happily) walked away.

After they knew they were out of any person's way, they picked up right where they left off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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