Chapter Nine: Side Effects

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"Lucy!" Celeste and Gray screamed.

"Who are you and what are you even doing to Lucy?!?" Gray spat with anger in his voice.

"Give me a second, I need to finish this procedure. She's passed out so time is of the essence now. I will explain everything once this is done." Celeste said.

Gray looked this woman up and down. She had long silver hair with a crown made of stars on her head. She was wearing a long beautiful white dress and she was barefoot. She didn't seem to have ill intentions by the look on her face.

"Okay. What can I do to help Lucy?" Gray asked.

"Just hold her for now. She needs you."

Gray looked down at Lucy she wasn't wearing anything except for her shorts, although her hair covered the important parts. Gray looked away and held her hand just hoping she would wake up from this.

Time skip

"Okay, everything is finished now. She's also stable which is surprising.." Celeste said.

She laid Lucy on a patch of grass near her camp site with a blanket over her. Lucy was still sweating a bunch and breathing a bit heavy but her life wasn't in any danger.

"What does that mean? Would you please explain what the hell is happening?? What did you do to her??" Gray was absolutely in a panic now.

"Okay. I'll explain everything too you."

"This might come as a shock but I'm actually a dragon, a celestial dragon to be exact. Queen of the Celestial Realm. I was attacked in these woods and left to die, but Lucy found me and actually saved my life. She took the sword out of my side while I was in my dragon form and tried to bandage me up. It was a very sweet act. After I healed up I offered to teach her dragon slaying magic. She agreed but wanted to train her spirits and build up her magic power before she learned. After a week of training I decided to start training her but It wasn't gonna be easy. It would've been better to teach her as a kid but there's nothing I could do about that now. The only thing I could think of to make this easier for her was to implant part of my dragon soul inside of her body and even though I told her the pain would be excruciating she agreed to do this without a second thought. I envy her."

Gray looked down at Lucy and he Held er hand. As he looked at her she began to start changing and glowing.

"Celeste what is happening to her??" Gray shouted as he moved back.

"Her appearance is changing. It's a side effect of having a dragon soul inside of her." Celeste calmly explained.

After Lucy stopped glowing, her hair grew longer and it changed from blonde to White. Her eyes also changed from dark brown to gold with hints of stars in them.

"Her eyes will change colors depending on her emotions."Celeste said.

"Why?" Gray questioned.

"I'm not sure. But it's just something that we cannot change."

"At least she'll be even ore of an open book now." Gray chuckled.

After Gray finished laughing, Lucy opened her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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