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You get scared by something by him

Frypan- You were watching him cut veggies up and you have a small fear of sharp objects so seeing him cut so close to his hand scared you. The room started spinning and you're breathing got heavy. "Y/N you okay" you shook your head now and ran out of the kitchen. Frypan wasn't far behind. "What's wrong?" You try to catch your breath "I got scared, I-I couldn't breathe and the room started spinning" He told you to breathe and he rubbed your back

Thomas- He kept insisting that he would become a runner and go out there. Let's say you have heard all about the maze since you are close with the runners. He would wander by the maze and it made you very anxious, but one day he walked into it a little and the walls started to close. You broke completely and freaked out. He came running back in before it closed and hugged you.
"Shhhh Y/N it's okay I'm here"

Minho- He always talks about how jagged the walls are in the maze and all the vines. The grievers made you super scared, though they don't come out during the day, Ben being stung during the day made you think Minho could. The days where he would just barely make it, but this time he was at the door and almost crushed by it. He had some cuts and bruises, but he passed out from exhaustion. This made you panic so much that you nearly passed out. Jeff had to assure you that Minho would be okay
"He needs rest, he will be okay Y/N"

Newt- He made you attend the bonfire but you didnt like being around people. All the people yelling and partying got too much for you. You started to feel sick and you breathing picked up. You couldn't take it no more so you ran off. Newt saw you disappear and ran to find you against the med-jack shack, crying. "Y/N, you okay?" I shook my head. "P-panic attack" I choked out. He came over and gave me a light hug, but I squeezed myself against him. He rubbed my back while saying sweet things like "I'm here" "breathe sweetheart" "its gonna be okay love"
"I'm sorry I made you come Y/N"

Gally- You got word of Gally getting hurt from building and building and you imma started crying. Gally has done stupid stuff where he'd get hurt and he'd spend days in the Med-jack Shack. You came in to him sleeping and his ankle in a wrap and lifted. Jeff explains he fell off a roof. You sit next to him. He woke up and frowned
"I fell again I'm sorry if I scared you Y/N"

greenie; tmr preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now