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Emilia was at the gas station John had been at. It was going smoothly until a car blasting load music came speeding. Emilia was leaning against the wall, with headphones in and her phone out. She froze when she saw who all came out of the car. " Fuck."

She saw the smirk on Iosef when he saw her. He came up to her, lighting a cigarette. " You know your not supposed to smoke at a gas station." She told him with a snarky attitude.

John watched from afar as the man went to the woman. She seemed mad to see him, she just seemed different. Daisy barked and he looked at the dog.

Iosef smiled at the assassin girl. " Why don't you do me a dance?" He whispered in her ear in Russian, as he asked her his hand had traveled down to her lower regions. She snarled at him. She grabbed his fingers and twisted them the opposite direction. " Remember who you're dealing with Iosef, I will not hesitate to ripe you cock of and feed it to a horse. Understand me?" She asked the squealing man back in Russian. He nodded and she released him.

She looked over to John and saw him looking to her. " You're fucking crazy bitch!" Iosef called out to her. John's eyebrow rose to the half-witted cry. " I'm the fucking crazy bitch, who will fuck you up if you get in my way." One of his 'guys' pulled him away from her, them knowing who she was. She smiled " tell viggo I say hi."

Emilia had been following Iosef, knowing he was up to no good. By the time it was past dark, she ended up at Wicks house again. " This can't be good." She told herself. She would not intervene with what ever was about to go on in the house.

Her breathing began to grow faster. Not now, for the love of God not now. She closed her eyes and saw the past run across her eyelids. She tried opening them, bit the would just close again. Her knuckles were wight against the steering wheel, as she tried to get rid of the memories.

She slammed her head on the head rest and finially open her eyes. But wished everything would stop when she saw the car John had been driving earlier that day, leave the garage. " Fucking idiotic Russians." She cursed out to no one. She pulled out her phone and call Winston.

" They took his car, and probably beat the shot outta him."

" Why didn't you do anything?" Winston asked from the other side, mad that she just watched. " You said noting of protecting him, only watch him."

" From now on, protect him. Don't let him die. Not yet." She hung up the phone before he could say anything else. Why did she agree to this. She could be in Rome, or Greece, even Iceland. Anywhere but here.

She watched as the sun slowly begin to rise. John came out carrying a small box. It didn't take her long to figure out what lied in there. You've really done it this time.

Once again she pulled her phone out and scrolled through the contacts. Her finger lingered over the name Viggo. She sucked in a breath and landed her finger in the call button.

" What a surprise for you to call." She remained quite waiting for him to go on. " What had he done."

" You remember John Wick, correct?" Her eyes stared at John while he dug a grave. " Yes."

" Say goodbye to your son, Viggo." She hung up the phone. She was in deep shit now. This was something he wouldn't let go until everyman behind it was dead. She turned the key to her car and listens as the engine roared to life. She needed some sleep before the real shit began to happen.

She drove up to the hotel and got out of the car. She threw the keys as some Valet person and went to the front desk. " I need a room."

" Very good, does the manger know your here?" He asked as he got a key for her. " Probably." She grabbed the keys from his hands and went to her room. When she got in there and began to pace. " Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. Iosef I'm gonna fucking kill you son of a bitch." She yelled at the room. He always manged to drag her in some bullshit. She was hoping this would be an easy job, be over it in a few days.

She fell back on the bed and stared at the white ceiling and closed her eyes. When her eyes opened again, it was 12:47 am.

She then stood up and began to work her way outside. She needed to grab some things before John would meet with Winston. She nearly ran to her apartment. She pulled off the rack to cover the vent and pulled out a safe. Inside the safe was her old cloths, coins, knifes and a back up gun. She moved her lip to the right, thinking again about her life decisions.

She rolled her eyes and changed her cloths. When she was dressed, she put her weapons in there places and the coins in her pocket. Then again, she was off to the hotel. She pulled her wrist up and saw the clock read 3:26am.

He would be there soon. She liked watching all the cars, trying to race one another. There lights reflecting off the fallen rain. When she made it back to the hotel, it was 9:50. Soon. She went to the dining room. " Do you live here?" Winston looked up from the newspaper and saw her. " Where's Wick?"

" He'll be here soon." She said walking off to the bar. She turned to face him and smiled as he ran his hands down his face.

At 4:18 John began to walk through the doors. Winston had yet to notice till the tall man was infront of him. " Hello Winston," the man looked up and almost seemed shocked of who was infront of him.  He looked at the girl enjoying a glass of burben, she mouthed I told you so. And then went back to her drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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