The next day (part two)

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(I don't own 3 below or the characters)

So this is a request and I'm pretty sure that after this, I'm done with this 'book'. Have fun.

(3rd pov)

You woke up in the arms of your boyfriend, confused at first before you remember what happend last night. You blushed hard at the memory of your handsome blue boyfriend being on top of you and doing... stuff. You looked around for a bit to see, of course, the prince himself. Still next to you, still sleeping, still holding you in his arms. You then searched for a clock. It was about then minutes after the time you usually stand up.

You sighed knowing it was a school day. As you sat up to strech, Krel was still clinging onto you, now slowly walking up too.
,,Good morning my queen.~", he said. ,,Good morning Krel. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have school today. Get dressed.", you said while trying to wiggle out of his arms.

To your suprise, he actually let you go. ,,Yeah. We wouldn't want to be late. Go ahead and get dressed, I'll get us breakfast.", Krel said while you realized that he's somehow already dressed. You were wondering about his behavior. Normaly when you sleep at his place, it would take at least half an hour of arguing to get out of his grip. He would try everything to make you stay in bed with him. But then again, you normaly only sleep there on weekends or any other time where you didn't have school. Maybe he actually just didn't wanna risk being late.

But oh you had no idea what that little bastard was planning. He saw something you didn't.

(Time Skip to after breakfast and to beginning of school)

It was odd. Like, everything was odd. As soon as you and Krel reached school, the other students gave you weird looks. And Krel wouldn't stop smiling like he was proud of something. For a moment, you were scared that maybe his human disguise was broken and his eyes turned blue or something. But no, everything fine about his appearance. Maybe it was because of the way you dressed that day. You were wearing a top that was pretty much normal, exept for the fact that it showed a lot of your shoulders, and also your neck of course. But you already wore this top to school so many times and only the teachers complained every now and then.

After many more hours of confusen, lunch time finally arrived, and Krel was still smiling. You were going to meet Aja and Steve in the cafeteria, but on your way there students kept looking at you and then whispering to each other. Maybe your hair looked weird? You didn't really get to look in a mirror this morning, so there's no way of telling. Exept your boyfriend.

,,Krel, is my hair messy? Or do I have something on my face?", you asked him. He just looked at you with his grin and said: ,,Oh don't worry love, you look perfect." You sighed a bit. ,,That's very sweet Krel, but people keep staring at me." Krel took hold of your arm and slid his hand down to take yours. ,,Can you blame them?"
Oh somethings not right.

When you arravied in the cafeteria, Aja was already sitting at a desk. You sat down in front of her after you got something to eat, with Krel sitting next to you. ,,Hey Aja. Where's Steve?", you asked. ,,He's getting food and I waited here so you two know wich table we're sitting at." You nodded and took a bite of (whatever it is you eat in a cafeteria).

,,Soooooo you two were pretty loud last evening.", Aja noted. You choked on your food and blushed a bright red at that, and Krel looked at his sister with 'omg why' exprecion. ,,You heard that?", he asked in disbelieve. ,,Yup. And Steve heard it too."
You almost cried out of embarrassment.
,,I could have lived my whole life without knowing that.", Krel commented, sounding more offended than embarrased.

It only got worse when Steve finally arrived. He said Hello but avoided eye contact. But when he did look at you, he looked a bit bewildered. ,,Err, (Y/N)?" You looked up from your meal, ready to hear the story from his point if view. ,,Yeah?" He point towards his neck and shoulders, still ovserving you. ,,What happend to you there? Something attacked you?"

Confused you took out your phone to look at yourself with the front camera. And in that exact moment, everything made sense. Your neck and shoulders were completely covered in hickeys. There was barely a spot with your natural skin color. You turned your head towards Krel so fast that you almost broke your red and purple neck. ,,Why on earth would you just let me go to school like this?!", you asked horrified.
The little shit just smirked at you and said: ,,Why not? It suits you.~"

Finally putting everything together, Steve looked at the scene a bit shocked. ,,Dude, why so many?" ,,So many what? What did he do?", Aja asked. So before you could continue your plans to kill your boyfriend, you and Steve had to explain to her what happend and why it's a bad thing that the whole world can see your hickeys. ,,Woah, human skin can turn colors when you bite it like that?", she asked while eyeing Steve, making him a bit nervous. ,,Aja your missing the point. Thanks to the hickeys everybody knows what... well... what (Y/N) und Krel did last night."

Something in Aja's head finaly seemed to click, as she immediately handed you her jacked and started scolding her little brother. ,,What were you thinking Krel?! You're usually smarter than this." Krel just shrugged. ,,Oh well. It was fun while it lasted."

,,What the fuck do you mean it was fun while it lasted?!"

(Time Skip brought to you by finally wanting finish this after ignoring it for half a year)

,,What were you thinking?! This is horrible!", you cried after finally arriving at Krel's place again, and crashing into his bed. You couldn't go back to your house like this. ,,I really don't see the problem my queen. Aren't the other supposed to know that your mine?", krel questioned. ,,Stupid excuse Krel! Everybody knows we're dating.  You don't really hold back in PDA."

Letting himself fall next to you in the bed, Krel wrapped his four arms around your torso. ,,Fine, I apologize. But I might as well let you know that I don't feel sorry. I love seeing those marks on you.~", he said. Trying not to blush at his words, you continued to argue. ,,If you don't feel sorry then what's the point of apologizing?", you asked.

,,I just don't want you to be angry anymore.", he stated as he gave your neck soft kisses. Being tired of yelling, you just let yourself melt into his touch, enjoying the affection after this long day. Until

,,For fucks sake Krel not another one!"

Heeeyyyyyy there it's been a while. Hope your not too mad. Next one will be a x male reader lemon. Don't expect it anytime soon tho. Good luck surviving the rest of this year.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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