Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was writing something on my desk beside my bed when, suddenly, a maid knocked on my door.

"Excuse me, Miss Lucy." She curtsied. "But your father had called you to his room." I smiled and nodded.

"I'll be there." I stated and she curtsied again and closed the door behind her. I sighed, my Father calling me? What thing could it possibly be again? A marriage interview that is, obviously, not going to work or maybe another company's son that he's going to introduce to me. Well, whatever it is. I know that he's the puppeteer in my life right now and I couldn't do anything about it. I straightened my dress and walked into the hallways, admiring the bright sunlight that was shining on the flowers my mother cared for years ago and is now being dotted by the maids in the mansion. I stopped at the front of my father's door, hesitant to even enter it, but if I don't he's going to get angry. And that's something I shouldn't do.

"You called for me father?" I asked as I entered his ample room and walked diligently towards him who was sitting on his chair, back turned with two butlers beside him. The butler on his right was my fathers loyal butler, he was here since I was a child and he was as old as my father.

"Yes Lucy." He replied. "I have wonderful news for you."

I rolled my eyes in irritation. Where's mom when you need her?? Oh, caring for Michelle obviously.

"The son of the Eucliffe has agreed to marry you. And I assure you that this connection will change the whole Heartfilia family and hope to surely have an heir for the Konzern."

I opened my mouth, trying to protest, but he quickly gave me a menacing glare and I quickly shut my mouth. "Anything to say?" He asked.

"Nothing, Father."

"Good." He turned his back on me. "You will meet him the day after tomorrow. You may go." I turned my back and clenched my fist, trying to keep the protests and exception in his decision, but it'll make things worse. So I walked away, hoping this won't go well.

I slammed the door of my room. The sound of it echoed through the corridors, but was luckily unheard by my parents. I punched the bedside table in my spite, nerves wouldn't let me be, reminding myself of my puppetry life.

"Eucliffe Family?? Son of a---!!!!" I controlled myself, not to curse. I didn't like cursing, I don't want to curse. I took deep breaths and tried to open a window to let the fresh air circulate in my room. I fell like I'm in a doll house with strings tied to my arms and feet.

I sighed and slumped down my bed, hugging my little pillow. Then, someone knocked on my door. The door opened and it was my mother, carrying a little beautiful baby girl named Michelle.

"Having another tantrum?" She smiled at me calmly and slowly entered my room without making any loud sounds so that Michelle's nap wouldn't be disrupted.

"It's nothing, Mother. Really." I smiled, tilting my head to the side.

"Hmm." She suspiciously noted. "Doesn't sound like nothing." I didn't answer for a few seconds, but I had this urge to ask her something I've wanted.

"How did you meet Father?" I asked her.

"Haven't I told you the story?" She sat beside me. "We met in the guild we were in. Love and Lucky. Where we got your name." She giggled.

"Oh." I remarked. "Yeah..." She leaned forward to face me, and for me to make me look at her.

"Now, Lucy. I'm your mother and you can tell me anything." She looked at me straight in the eyes with nothing but pure and absolute honesty. I sighed, showing her that I gave up and is going to do what she wanted me to do.

"Father told me about another marriage interview..." I bent my knees, squeezing the pillow in between my legs and chest and my chin resting on the pillow.

"Another one??" She spat out, accidentally waking her up from her slumber because of her outburst and started to cradle Michelle. She turned to me from Michelle. "You know your father wants what's best for you."

"But can't I decide for myself??" She didn't answer quickly.

"I've met the son of the Eucliffe family. He's related to the Dragneel Family actually."

I shoved my head in my pillow. "For heaven's sake! I'm just fifteen! And I'm getting married??" I exclaimed. "I don't care if he's related to anyone in the world! I just want to choose for myself!" I exclaimed. I didn't see, but I was sure mother frowned at what I said. I thought she was going to get angry as well, but it seemed that my temper came from my Father, not from her.

"I'm sorry that this life isn't what you wanted, but if you want something. You have to make it. I know you Lucy and if you want something, you could either wait or do it yourself." She rubbed my head and went out of the door. It was a bit embarrassing, what I did. I shouldn't have over reacted, but Mother was right. I have to do it myself...but This time I'm going to wait...Hoping something like a miracle could change my life.


I want to dedicate this chapter to @mysterysmiles because I frequently see her reading some of my stories and commenting a lot. I really appreciate it! Thanks so much for being my follower or fan...I don't know if u are a fan, but thanks a lot!

Oh! And I also inserted a photo here, check it out. I just screenshot it because I think Natsu looks a bit cool there. Hehe!

If I haven't noticed some of you, I still thank you guys! 💟🔑

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