Chapter One

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The Adventure starts with three Musketeers named D'Artagnan, Porthos and Athos as they make their fluffy chocolate candy named the three Musketeers on the early morning. They been working all through twelve o'clock pm they took a lunch break while the other workers continues making more candy in the factory.
D'Artagnan who is the leader of the three Musketeers gave each candy bar to Porthos and Athos to taste the fluffy pumped up chocolate as they called out "success we made another great batch of the three Musketeers candy bar. !" Little did they know back in the middle of the factory the new and approved Choco-Fluffer 3000 Machine was acting up like it was going bonkers. Suddenly the candy bars deflating after going through the wrapping machine the coworkers run to approach D'Artagnan, Porthos and Athos about what happened to the candy, they looked for some clues as they came to the room. Porthos looks through the window that see's a good view of the entrance to the factory there was a big truck and two tall burglars putting the fluffy chocolate into a jar and they gently settled it down to the back as they go to close the back door of the truck they opened the door and drove away as fast as they could.
Porthos couldn't see what he saw, while the other two was looking though every machine he turned around and announced to them " the fluffy pumped up chocolate has been stolen!, there was two men putting it in the back of the truck and drove away !" D'Artagnan reply's back to him " if we can go to the 3 musketeers helicopter, we can stop them immediately before they drive any further to their secret hiding place, to the helicopter at once .!" As he raised his sword towards the entrance of the helicopter they dashed away going up.
They made it to the roof top on a flat platform as they reach to the helicopter, the three of them crammed their selfs in as they buckle up one of them cried out take off as they get it started.
Up they went to the sky to chase down those fiendish thief's, Meanwhile in the middle of nowhere there is a big large building with a big sign at the top that says Scandalini's hide out and Lounge in side down below his place, there he was standing there among other companies to test his new product called dr. Scandalini 's sweet dreams fluffy pillow mints as the mastermind himself speaks upon them " My fellow judges, thank you for your time to come to my hiding place and lounge, today I shall reveal on my new upcoming improvement candy that will beat any other candy factory out there like the three Musketeers! * as he coughs a few times then got back to his speech * "behold Dr.Scandalini's sweet dreams pillow mints" * as he cackles while the judges applauded his new invention * one of the judge got out of their chair and reply's to Scandalini " when will this pillow mints be out in the public so the customer's will buy them ?" Dr.Scandalini reply's back to them " As soon I will get all my ingredients ready they are in the makings at the moment but will be done very soon as possible." As they are going to the exit door they replied " We will test them out before they are ready to be set in the market." One by one they all left the room going outside to their limos and the car drove away back in the lair dr.scandalini laughs maniacally as an upcoming call was on the big screen while it was interrupts his laughter, he answered it as one of the henchmen tells him they got the stolen ingredient for his recipe of sweet dreams pillow mints scandalini claps his hands as he congratulated them on their first successful burglary after they hang up the dr himself picks up a glass of mimosa as he drinks it and he gently put it back down on the long wooden table as he thinks about making his pillow mints as he laughs maniacally in his lair.

Back at the 3 musketeers helicopter Porthos tells his team " what are those buttons do next to the drivers wheel" D'Artagnan reply's to him " Those are the upcoming new buttons that added to the helicopter but it is not been tested yet, Athos added more buttons while we added extra tires in the back of the helicopter, by the look of the full tank of gas we are half way empty, we should've added more before we took off." Porthos replied " I knew there was something missing."
Athos interrupts their conversation " I think we should've added a map on where are we going ." The three of them agreed they should've done that before testing the helicopter taking off the roof top.
Later along the long flight they spotted the burglar's truck going straight on the road driving on the right side, D' Artagnan declares " Their they are, up ahead !" Back in the truck one of the burglar's looks at the mirror next to the window as he shouts " in coming!!" They tried on losing the helicopter by turning left and right on every obstacle they can hide from them then on the right side of the seat of the truck the burglar has one trick up his sleeve by pushing the button called lose them for good as the truck went to a high speed mode.
D'Artagnan tells his team to hold on tight they about to land the helicopter to the ground so the dust can be cleared through the air that the burglar's truck made on their escape.
By the following morning the three musketeers was fixing their helicopter and added more gas in the tank on the left side of the helicopter it was back to full again and they took off to search for those villains.
They stopped at a local store and bought a few food to eat, Athos shook his head and tells D'Artagnan,Porthos on what he was about to say to them " I think this is going to be a long helicopter road trip." Porthos reply's back to him " It maybe a long trip but look on the bright side..that is a good view of the sunrising if I had my camera I would be taking a picture of it."
After they left the local store they head back to their helicopter and took off once again as they head forward towards the road.

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