Chapter Two

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It was a quarter past noon as Dr. Sandalini drinks a glass of sweet red wine called Italia Roscato, Rosso Dolce as he sips a few drinks of it and he gently put it back onto his dark wooden office desk that look like a medieval theme,he looks over at his tracking device as the little moving dot was getting closer to his hideout as he laughs wickedly. In his mind he imagine of selling stolen fluffy chocolate from the three musketeers company to his sweet dreams pillow mints that would make him millions of dollars as he continues to laugh maniacally in his office while outside his door his two security guards named Bob and Steve was standing there telling each other why did they joined up standing there listening to their boss laughing up a storm in his office they both agreed on finding someone can have their jobs so they called upon Larry and Gary to take their place as tell them good luck as they march thought the front door leaving the building.
Suddenly Dr. Scandalini's wife came through the door as she walked on by towards his office she already know he was in his annoying stage so she quickly entered the room to make him be quiet as she continues to talk to him in his office " you have less then three days to make that stupid pillow mints of yours or I will take every dollar you have inside that wooden table it's your choice Dr. Scandalini." He response to her " shego, baby you know I'm trying everything to make that truck go faster just give me more time !" She laughed sarcastically as she tells him what going on with the truck and it's followed by the three musketeers helicopter thirty-five minutes away from it. Dr. Scandalini was annoyed by her announcement about the three musketeers as he replies to her " Nooo, they must be stopped at once !" Shego agreed on going on a quest to take down the three musketeers helicopter as she hired five men go on each helicopter as she leads them towards the Heroes.

Back in Dr. Scandalini's office his phone was ringing as he picked it up and answer it a strange voice speaks to the other side of it a deep voice sounded like a saboteur voice recorder as it tells him that shego is up to no good that she is using him by stealing his money to build her own company after the phone call was disconnected Dr. Scandalini ordered twelve men to make sure shego failed her mission as he watches them go out of his office he threw his wine glass across the room hitting his wall as the red wine went splattered everywhere on one area he whispers " No one makes a fool out of me and gets away with it..NOBODY!!! " as he shouted very loudly at the end of his speech.
Meanwhile back in the three musketeers helicopter
D'Artagnan, Aramis and Porthos was listening to some music suddenly one of them noticed there were someone following them as they pointed out "we got company !" D'Artagnan turned the wheel as fast as he could trying to lose Shego's henchmen but it was no use they were surrounded by five helicopter's and one of them came out of nowhere with a black/green jet.
She ordered her minions to attack the three musketeers helicopter but they were on to her fiendish scheme so they pushed every button they have in their helicopter as stuff was throwing at the goons. One by one their helicopter went to the ground as they landed safely while shego was the only person flying next to the three musketeers helicopter as she was telling them to give up but there was an incoming voice in her jet as she listened to it. Dr. Scandalini tells her congratulations on losing five helicopter's that her henchmen drove next to her as she tells him she didn't really needed to listen to his crap as he started laughing and revealing on what he know about stealing his money on what he has left in his wooden dest at his office she gasped as she was trying to denied it and she tells him it could be the wine that is messing with his brain cells as he tells her " looks like you're plan got back fired, you ain't getting nothing, clear as crystal, you lose!..good day Mrs. Stinky !" As he hang up there was twelve helicopter behind her as they try to let her jet to land onto the ground,she was furious of him calling her stinky by the time she looked over on how many gas she has in her engine it was not enough to go back into his office to steal the rest of his money as she was thinking her plan didn't turned out what she hopped but she did have one more trick up her sleeve as she pushed the emergency button her jet went faster from dr. Scandalini's helicopter's that was right behind her they followed her as fast as they could she made it back to his lair as she approaches to him by slapping his face as she tells him no one calls her stinky as he replies to her " I all ready did call you stinky and what are you going to do about it.???" As he was laughing and mocking her anger towards him. Four security guards grabbed her as dr. Scandalini orders them to take her to Arkham Asylum where she belongs as he was laughing maniacally towards Shego while she was struggling to get away from them as she orders them " Don't you dare touch me you slimy, stinky, smelly.." as they interrupt her speech towards them " will you please be quiet!" The door was closed as Dr. Scandalini laughs and continue his speech " looks like I have to deal with the three musketeers myself now that my beloved traitor wife Shego is gone I don't have to worry about her stealing my precious money!" As he was holding his dollar bills like a greedy person that he is. He heard his truck pulling up as he laughs rubbing his hands together while saying " onto my next plan !" opening his front door of his office and closed it as he was running towards the garage door laughing maniacally.

Meanwhile as the four security guards struggle shoving Shego back of the white van she continues to talk to them " I will make you a deal, what if you come joined me stealing Dr.Scandalini's money I'll let you buy whatever you want, just name you're price.!" They rolled their eye balls at her and continue to shove her into the van in she goes as she continues to talk to them " You know that Dr. Scandalini will not win and when the three musketeers take back their stolen fluffy chocolate and I guarantee that and y'all be losing your jobs if this place shuts down for not making any candy at all!" One of the security guards reply's to her " And I guarantee that you would be remain quiet at all times when we send yeah to the Arkham Asylum where you belong !." As they closed the back door and locked it good as it drove away her face was priceless when they closed the back door.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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