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Amanda's POV

I can't believe it...
I always thought that she could handle her anxiety...
But I never thought that she could kill herself...
I remembered the day that we were still living with our grandma, she would always help me cook, clean and we would play with our dogs. Our life was simple not until we grew up, where things started to changed our lives and face the real world where we need to choose our own path. I noticed that Olivia was pressured because of our grandma who keeps on pushing her to take medicine course when she always wanted to be an architect. She had no choice but to take it.

I felt guilty and miserable because instead of helping her, I chose to pursue my own dreams. I should have helped her when she needed me the most, but I was so selfish that I had to think of my own decisions.
The reality hit me when I saw her covered in her own blood.
Olivia my sister, I am very sorry. For watching you suffer in a very long time and for being ignorant.

Luthor's POV
I saw Amanda staring deeply at her sister's lifeless body. I left them alone to think and reflect of what I've just done. I can't tell the truth. I can't lose my job. It is not my fault, it was all an accident. Why do I need to suffer from this illness!? WHY!? If only I told her about my condition, she would understand and all of these things would not happened but it's to late. She's gone. My life, my love. I will regret this for the rest of my life.

—-Time skips—-

It's been 3 days after Olivia's death, some friends and relatives of hers came to sympathize. Her best friend Steve also came after hearing the news. I was about to go out when he talked to me.

"Luthor, can I talk to you for a bit?" Steve said.

"Sure. Just follow me to the parking lot." I replied. We then reached the area and so I asked him.

"What is it that you want to talked about?" He let out a sigh and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I knew what you did. So put down the act."
I frowned, as if I don't understand what he was saying.

"What did I do? What act? My wife died. What do you expect me to do?" Steve replied tears start forming in his eyes full of pain and regret.

"I shouldn't have trusted her decision being with you. Her life could have been better with me."

"You know, you're just wasting time with those nonsense. I still have a lot of things to do. Just stay inside, I'll leave now." I said before walking towards my car. I was about to enter when he said some words enough for me to hear.

"You will pay for this Luthor. You will pay for this." I stay calm and entered the car pretending nothing happened.

—- End of flashback ——

Luthor's POV

I am now sitting in front of Olivia's grave lighting up some candles. It was passed 2 months since she died. The place was filled with deafening silence but I don't mind. After spending about an hour at the cemetery, I decided to leave only to encounter Steve who also brought flowers for my deceased wife.

"Oh, your here." I said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah, I just missed her so I decided to drop by." Steve said.

"Oh then take your time. I'll take my leave." I said.

"You're just leaving like that?! I'm not yet finished talking?" He replied.

"What is it know that you want to talk about?" I was starting to get irritated but still not seen through my face.

"Come on man! Until now you're still wearing a mask covering all your lies well in fact your a murderer. Olivia might suffer from mental illness but I know she can't end her own life. I've known her for long more than you do. I told you, you will pay for this. I'm just waiting for this right time to happened." Steve then grabbed his gun and pointed it to me. I was shocked. My blood was boiling because of anger. I can't believe he witnessed all the things I've done to my wife. I tried to calm him down but he don't even have the guts to move. I started to fight back and got the gun placed it on the right side of his head while he was in head locked. I pulled the trigger without hesitation and now his dead. My hands were shaking after feeling the blood crawling down my skin.

"What have I done!? I need to clean this up no one should knew. I dig a hole on the ground near the cemetery to bury Steve's dead body together with the gun. After that, I decided to go home. I was driving my car mind still full of thoughts. I noticed that there is a woman behind the car covered with blood. She just looks like my wife. I don't if I'm hallucinating because of all the things that had just happened but she really looks like Olivia. I felt goosebumps as I drive faster noticing that she keeps following me. I lose control driving my car and crashed into a big large tree trunk. Broken glasses were pierced through my skin, everything went black and I can only here my slow deep breathing. I was weakening. Memories started to flashback all the happy and sad ones. Seeing the face of my loving wife for the last time I said to myself. "I love you Olivia. I always will. I'm so sorry." With that I take my last breathe. 

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