Chapter 1

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I was the only goth person in my high school, and everyone made fun of me for it. i'm 5'7, and had waist length raven black hair, my skin is so pale that the snow would me jealous. i was all alone until that one gloomy rainy day, that changed my life.


it was a cold rainy day in October, i was in art class working on my rough draft for the fourth time, for my art project. i was so focused on it, that i didn't her someone calling my name.

"Siren!" i jumped, when i heard my name finally, people around me snickered, and laughed, i shot a quick icy glare, before i looked up and saw Mrs. green;my counselor.

"Siren come with me, i need you in my office,now," she quickly said. i nodded and and picked all my stuff up and followed her to her office.

when we arrived in her office, Mrs. green told me to sit. i always hated her office; it was always to bright and cheery for my taste.

"siren do you know why your here?" she asked. i shake my head no.

"you're here because we're short a couple of people on the welcoming committee, i need you to help the new student around, and i picked you for the job since well," she clears her throat, you both have the same taste in things."I look at her dumbfounded, and whisper to myself,"oh my." i was still looking at Mrs. green, when a light knock on sounded on the door.

"Ah, he's here earlier than i expected. i might as well introduce you both". i heard the door open. "Siren, this is Crevyn. crevyn this is siren."

i slowly turn around, i swear on my life I've never seen a guy so beautiful before. his hair was the color of pure snow, and braided to his shoulder. his skin looked like the kissed him, he was a golden god standing in front of me. his eyes are what caught me the most; other than those lips,i felt like was being transported somewhere else, they were the deepest yet brightest green, if that's even possible.

"it's nice you meet you, siren," he flashes me a toothy grin. i felt my heart flutter, when i heard it.

"it's nice to meet you too, crevyn," i say while blushing. mrs. green claps her hands, bringing us to attention.

"now that you both introduced each other, siren, can you give him the tour of our school? oh and here's all his papers, and a hall pass for both of you." she hands me, all of his papers, i look at him bewildered., as she pushes us out of her office.

"Now, go on i have another student coming," she curtly said as she shut her door.

As we left the main office, jenny thackur ran into us while trying to get to Mrs. Green's office. she had mascara  running down her face, "oh god her and Jared broke up again, they need to stop this shit already." i thought to myself, as we got into the hallway. I studied crevyn's schedule, and realized it's almost identical to mine. " you got to be shitting me," i thought.

"Hey, can i ask you something, siren?" crevyn's voice brings me back to reality, i lightly shake head to clear my thoughts.

"yeah, i believe you can, it's a free country isn't it?" I said jokingly. He looks at me seriously.

"will you be my friend?" he asks quietly. i looked at him like he was my savior. i quickly looked down at the scuffed linoleum, and said, "you know you'll be my first friend i ever had."

i look up and he's much closer to me, startling me a bit, his eyes staring into mine.

"why is that?" he prodded.

"because  i'm different from the whole school, and there's no one dressed like me," as i gesture to all of me. " no one wants to be friends with a freak." i sigh sadly.

" no one understands how hard it is to be all alone, for most of their life, and to be judged for being different, from the rest of the  dumb sheep of society." he replied almost as sad as me.

" i know how it is to be alone." i said quietly. I gave him a hug, not knowing what else to do. He stiffens as my arms wrap around him, the longer i held him close to me, the more relaxed he became, after a while he hugged me tightly against his body. He smelled so good, like a forest after it rained all night, i looked up at him, and smiled shyly.

"Y-you can let go now," i stammer, blushing lightly." he quickly lets go, and sheepishly smiles.

"sorry about that," he runs his fingers through his hair. i shake my head.

"not to worry about that. lets go show you around the hell hole"

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