Author's Sudden Note

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Hey, what's up? ((Cool response to this question: "Hard dicks and helicopters.")) Uhh, so I just realized this story might be a little like another story I've read...... Sorry :/ but I didn't even think about it. I'm gonna keep going with the story, and hopefully you'll all like it. Anywho, sorry about the no-smut-content. I guess this just actually turned into a fanfiction instead of a one-shot.

From now on, I think I'll just publish one part a week. Maybe that's why all the other parts in my other attempted stories got deleted-because I didn't publish them in time! Or something like that... Anyways, thanks Brandt for suggesting this to me. (Brandt is my friend in school for those who don't know).

I hope you all like it so far! And my bad if the parts are kinda short.

I'll probably be publishing the parts on Mondays or Tuesdays. That's when I usually have wifi. (Three cheers for school wifi!)

And, guys-or girls-,don't be afraid to comment. I like comments :)

Thanks for reading.

BB and Rae Forever,  a Teen Titans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now