~Chapter 3~

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~~Mitch POV~~

"Jerome, i need to tell you something..." i said trying really hard to not blush. "what is it Mitch?" he asked. i wanted to tell him how much i cared about him but the words just wouldn't come out.... "Mitch?" he asked again... i sighed and just said that i felt we should hang out more in person now. Jerome looked disappointed, but noticed i was looking and put a fake smile across his face. "totally" he replied trying not to sound sad, witch he obviously was. hes really bad at acting... " umm.. ill be right back" Jerome said. he walked upstairs looking super sad. i feel horrible...

~~Jerome POV~~

i felt really disappointed in what Mitch wanted to tell me. i thought maybe he would say that he like me, but i guess not. When he didn't reply with what i though he would say, i tried pasting a fake smile across my face, but im really bad at acting and i think Mitch knew it was fake. i told him i'd be right back. i went up stairs, through my room to my bathroom and got out my razor. i hated cutting because i knew it was bad but i also loved it because it gave me something else to pain about. and right now i need it. i couldn't take me and Mitch not being together ANYMORE! im tired of trying to be someone im not for the world! i carve Mitch's name into my arm over the other scares of Mitch's name that i have made. pain rushes through out my body. It feels so good.i make the dot at the top of the 'i' in his name a heart, a bloody heart. that's when i hear Mitch come in... 



SOOOOOOO how did you like that chapter? i know it was short but i wrote this at 1:00am just for you guys. :3 also do you want me to use CAPITALS in the wrighting? idk if it a problem or naw. Also i probably should have said this sooner but my cover was made by my friend @mlgbrotatoe666. you should check her and her simdil stories out! MUCH LUV!! <3


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