Chapter 1: First Impression

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          We all have everything we like, right? We like food, we like materialistic things, and we like people. I experienced more of this when I entered Grade 10.
          I first saw you in a picture my brother showed me. You were there, sitting uncomfortably next to your brother. You looked a bit sad at that time.
          My first impression of you was someone who is shy, unapproachable, and studies a lot. All that changed when we got to be classmates.
          What's lucky is we got to sit next to each other in Social Sciences. Later on I found out that you were actually very sociable and talktive...not that I expect those from a man.
           That went on for days. Day by day, we talked, but not a single one was a real talk. I mean, you are fun to talk to, but I just can't find something real between those conversations. I hope that someday, we'd get to talk to each other properly.
           Now, how I got to liking you. I didn't at first actually. I liked someone else, I only admired you then. Later on when my classmate asked if I like that guy, I had no choice but to use you.
          I didn't expect myself to like you for real, at all. The thing is, things didn't get any better at all. I mean like, it wasn't bad, but it isn't likable at all either.
          To sum things up, everything was accidental. It was accidental to see you the picture, we were only lucky to be classmates, us sitting next to each other in Social Science is accidental. And...I accidentally liked you.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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