14: Enemies or Allies

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That's where I felt I was. 

I was in darkness.

I didn't know what had happened after that man knocked me out in the street. I'm sure he had killed me. He had to have done that.

My body felt like it was being carried carefully.

I wanted to laugh at that word, carefully.

Why would they be making sure my body wasn't damaged further? I was even more confused.

I could feel a breath against my cheek and I knew that I wasn't dead. I snapped my eyes open and pushed away from the person carrying me. It was the man from before he hit me.

"Let go of me you bastard!" I screeched.

"Sluta slåss eller så släpper jag dig. "(Stop fighting or I'll drop you)." He spoke roughly.

I moved my hand and clawed his cheek with my nails. He growled and let go of me. I gained my balance before hitting the floor and stood in front of me. My eyes moved to another man stood behind him.

"Hon är så hänsynslös. (She is so reckless)." The other man laughed. His green eyes were bright with amusement.

"What do you want with me?!" I snarled. "If you're going to kill me then get on with it."

"Kill you?" the other man gasped. "We do not want to kill you."

I stared at him, waiting for him to speak again.

"Kanske borde han prata med henne. (Maybe he should talk to her)." The man who carried me muttered quietly.

"Ja, (Yes)," the other replied.

He turned around and banged on the door that was behind him. The door opened and both men left quickly. My lips parted in surprise and my eyes widened as I saw my father walk through the door.

"Dad? What are you doing here?"

"Isabella," he held my shoulders and he spoke. "I have not been very honest with you darling."

"What is going on? Why are you with them?!"

He sighed and closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them.

"The Swedish are our allies. I signed a pact with them years ago to help us take out the moons when needed."

I took a step back.

"They needed to look like they were trying to kill you to cover up for what they were actually trying to do," he gave me a sad look. "You and your brothers going to France added a cherry on top of our plan."

"What do you mean?"

"We are helping each other to destroy the moons and take out each one of them. Soon there will be no moons left. Once that happens then we will win and we will share domination with the Swedish."

I felt sick.

Physically sick.

"Do Will and Liam know about this?"

"William doesn't agree with my methods and has been trying to get me out of doing this for a while. Liam does not know anything."

My stomach turned over with his words.

Why would Will not tell us about this? After everything I confessed to him about it.

"I know what you are thinking Isabella," he gave me a small smile. "You are just like your mother but I need to do this. No, we need to do this."

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