Part 1

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It's a cold Tuesday afternoon of December, where snow is starting to fall and making a thin layer of white sheet above the ground, the cars, the bushes, the roofs and mostly everywhere as I peeped into my window. Walking towards downtown, I adjust my scarf and shove my hands into my winter jacket to keep it warm. I can feel my cheeks are having the shade of pink. Every Tuesday my best friend, Monica and I have this tradition that every time the first snow will fall we would drink hot choco in the local cafe, where we first met. We've been doing this for 8 years already. We've met before college starts, we didn't know each other and I looked like I was lost so she came up to me and ask if I know where I was going, then I said no, so she was kind enough to help an innocent sheep that was lost in the field, and apparently we took the same course, so I guess we 'clicked' and then as they said the rest is history.

Monica and I are far different. We were like yin yang. She was the white I the black. She was high, I was low. She said yes, I would say no. She was an extrovert and I was an introvert. Imagine the life I had. But, I dont know how we worked our friendship together. She would go to the sorority parties and I would stay in dormitory studying for tomorrow's test or procrastinating by watching series after series in my laptop.

It was only 10 blocks away from my rented apartment to the cafe. I opemed the main door and the coldness greeted me as i walked down the stairs of my apartment. It was a good time to walk and enjoy the peacefulness of being alone. I walk slowly and enjoy the cold breeze as it kisses my cheeks. "Hello, Jane." Mike, the fruit vendor greeted me as I stopped for a short chat. "Hey Mike" I replied while smiling at him. "How are you?" I asked. "I'm okay honey. It the first snow. Are you going to the cafe?" He asked. Living in the same neighborhood with Mike for almost 9 years he knows where and what I do every time the first snow falls. He's like the grandfather I never had. "Yup, I'm going to see Monica now." I said. "Well, they Monica I said hi and here" as he handed me a bag of full of apples inside. "I know Monica loved to bake during the holidays, so here's my early gift for her." "Awww. You're so sweet Mike. Thank you in behalf of Monica. Bye." As I gave him a warm hug in the cold weather before walking away.

I'm close to the cafe and my phone rang. "Hello?" "Jane!" Monica squeled at the of the line. "Guess what?!" She said happily, like a teenager who saw her favorite boy band live. "Will calm down? My eardrums are busted already" I said laughing. "Okay. Sorry. Sorry. But guess what" she said. "What?" "James proposed to me!" "What?" I said, shocked. "James proposed to me a while ago. And you're the first one I called." She repeated. "Wow.. Uhm, congratulations" I stuttered. Oh no. "So, Jane will you be my maid of honor?"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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