chapter 8

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Warning: The following contains violence, coarse language, and excessive amounts of awesomeness. Please prepare your mind for blowing.

Chapter Eight

Jimmy charges Johnny and swings his blade hard and fast, but Johnny dodges easily and slashes Jimmy’s arm open. He’s not fazed in the least, and attacks Johnny again. He blocks and they lock each other in a parry.

“You could’ve avoided this, Nny,” Jimmy hisses, “we could’ve done amazingly, terrible things together. But instead you had to cut me up like a lab animal.”

“There’s no way I would ever work with a disgusting creep like you,” Johnny snarls.

“I’m just like you,” Jimmy shouts.

“Exactly. And I hate me,” Johnny retorts.

Jimmy jumps back, breaking the parry but earning a quick slice in the face by Nny’s knife. He’s not bothered and just smirks disgustingly. Johnny steps forward and feels his eye twitch from the pain in his legs. His wounds have sealed already, but they still sting.

Jimmy smirks and charges forward. He bends towards the right and starts to swing at Nny. He gets ready to block but Jimmy suddenly spins around and slices at his left arm. Johnny tries to dodge, but the knife still slices him just below his left elbow.

Johnny winces and grips his left shoulder.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Jimmy laughs, “I know that when you fought Krik and his minions, he aimed exclusively for your left arm. It was to slow you down, to lower your fighting strength.”

Johnny stops and glares at him blankly. “That’s stupid. If you wanted to slow me down, why didn’t he aim for my right arm, my main hand?”

Jimmy blinks, suddenly realizing his mistake. “Uh… well… it doesn’t matter! We still slowed you down!”

“You’re right, it doesn’t matter,” Johnny grunts, “besides, I’m ambidextrous.”

Jimmy laughs and charges him. This time he swings at his legs. He tries to jump back, but the curved edge of the blade still hits and slices his left ankle. The sudden pain is enough to make Nny fall to his knees.

“Annoying, isn’t it?” Jimmy sighs, “it doesn’t matter how strong your will is, the human body constantly exhausts itself. It’s not as strong as you want, is it? But we can fix that. All you have to do is join us.”

Johnny glares up at him and spits blood at his bare feet. “Get fucked by metal again, you worthless, soulless sellout. I am a slave to nothing, and I never will be. There’s nothing the Nightmare can give me that I can’t get myself.”

“Really. You’re going to become immortal, like us?” Jimmy scoffs.

“Who wants to be immortal?” Johnny retorts, “that has boring written all over it.”

“You’re crazy,” Jimmy snaps, “everyone wants to be immortal.”

“Maybe,” he shrugs, “but nobody is. Least of all you.”

“You’re wrong,” Jimmy snarls, “let me tell you something, Nny. You may be a monster-like human, but I am a true monster.”

Johnny smirks and stares at the ground. “You may be a zombie freak, but you don’t even know the meaning of the word monster.”

He grips his knives, the pain in his wounds starting to disappear completely. He rests on one knee and slowly starts to rise. But before he can make it to his feet, he’s suddenly interrupted by the loud screech of car tires.

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