Close To Perfection ~ Harry Styles.

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|okay so a new story, this one probably won't be updated for a while because I have two other fan fics that I would like to finish first so sorry about that, by I'll see how I go|

|Close To Perfection|

We were inseparable. Always around each other, I don't think that there was a time where we weren't doing something together.

He was a year older than me, so of course I was called the baby. I still remember the first time we met.

It was the summer of 1998, I was 3 and he was 4. My mum told me that she was taking me to meet a great friend of her that she met in high school, of course I agreed to come. We were living in London at the time so my mum and her friend decided to meet half way at a small cafe.

I remember hiding behind my mothers back, shy of who I was about to meet. He on the other hand was so open and excited to have someone his age to play with. I had always been the shy girl who picked her friends. There was something about him though that made me not so shy.

And we'll from that day on, we were inseparable.

Mum even moved from London to Holmes Chapel to be close to him and his mum.

Through primary school we were always together, if the teacher chose our seats then we would both complain until she would finally give in.

When we were 10 we promised that when we were older we would get matching tattoo's, but I suppose all good things come to an end.

When we hit high school things began slowly changing, I started hanging out with the girls and him with the boys. I still remember when he got his first girl friend, I was completely gutted, so I went out and got myself a boy friend just to make him jealous so that maybe, just maybe we could be the same as we were all those years ago, but nothing happened.

I still remember the day he left me, he was 16, I was 15. He hadn't even told me that he was leaving, I heard it through his mum. When she told me the world seemed to freeze in time for a few moments until I properly registered what she said.

|flash back|

I watched him get in the car grinning like a Cheshire Cat, it was like he didn't even care that he was leaving. He gave his mum one last hug, even my own mum a hug. I moved to give him a hug but he closed the door on me. He didn't even say goodbye, how could he? I thought touching the necklace that he had given me for my birthday a couple of years ago, how could he?

|end of flashback|

I touched the silver key chain necklace that he had given me, I ran my finger over the H that was engraved in it's side, god how I missed him. His perfect brown curls that seemed to glisten in the sun, the dimples that would show when ever he talked and how could I forget his beautiful green eyes.

Everyday that I wasn't with him I ached, I still do today.

I can't even start to describe the feeling that I would get when ever I was around him, it was like a magnet pulling me closer to him, I just had to be with him all the time.

So that day he left it killed me, it was horrible. That's why I avoid Twitter and the news just incase that there is a picture of him.

The Harry Styles that I knew was no more, he wasn't that little 4 year old that I was never shy to be around.

He was now in the most popular boy band in the world, he defiantly wasn't the Harry that I knew anymore.




Emma xx

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