Back Where I Belong

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Mary Goodall sat in her kitchen pleased with the fact her daughter was happy. Emma had told her on the way home from the park that she felt complete now that she knew where and from whom she came from. It was then that her husband strolled into the kitchen.

"What are you so happy about?"

"Our daughter is happy."

"And why wouldn't she be?"

"Did you know she felt incomplete?"

"What in the world could she feel incomplete about? She knows we love her."

"It wasn't our love she questioned. She didn't know really where she belonged."

"Well she belongs here with us. With her friends that are always here. Who don't seem to have homes of their own." Said Mr. Goodall as Mary rolled her eyes she loved the kids and the fact that they all felt comfortable enough to hang out at their house.

"I took her to Angel Grove today." Said Mary.

"Why in the world would you do that?" He asked slowly.

"I took her to see Tommy and Kim."

"So they finally broke the contract, great now we are under no obligation to send them those ridiculous albums you two make every year. And we can move on with our lives."

"They didn't break the contract. I did at Emma's request. I spoke with the agency and they said there were no problems with Emma contacting them. So we arranged the meeting and they met today. Joe you should have seen her, she was so happy. He taught her how to parallel park."

"I taught her how to park! When I was teaching her to drive the car that just sits in the driveway."

"You showed her once Joe."

"This isn't right."

"Yes it is. I don't understand your problem with this. You were fine with it when she was adopted all of a sudden in the last few years you've become an ass about it."

"Where is she?"

"She drove over to Gia's."

"You mean she rode her bike? Great now one of us is going to have to go over and get her later."

"No. She drove her car. I've never seen her with so much confidence behind the wheel. This has been good for her I wish I would have done it sooner."

"I can't believe this. They gave her up they should not have any contact with her."

"Too bad Joe." Said Mary as Joe stomped out of the room.

Emma pulled into Gia's driveway and honked the horn. She saw Gia look out the window before she rushed outside to greet her friend.

"No way! You drove over here?!"

"I did."

"Emma you said you can't parallel park."

"I can now."

"Your dad actually found the time to show you again?"


"Then who?"

"Papa showed me at the park."

"That's awesome. So he was patient with you?"

"Very. He actually taught Mama and Justin too. He used to race cars to put himself through college."

"Who better to learn from then?" Said Gia.

The girls then went upstairs and Emma showed Gia the photos that they had taken that day and then hung out for a few hours.

"So are we doing anything tonight?" Asked Emma.

Back Where I BelongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora