My Messed Up Love Life

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My Messed Up Love Life

Chapter 1- The new kid

'Hey  Tayla! What's up!?' My best friend Sam yelled at me.

'Erm.. Not much. Did ya hear about Brett and Mikhaela?' I asked her.

'Eww, yeah. I can't believe they are going out. That's like a rat and a dove! Just ew.' Sam said disgusted.

'I know. I don't think that they will last long honestly.' I said.

'Yeah-Ohmygod! Who is he!?' Sam yelled, and pointed.

I followed Sam's finger and it lead to the biggest sexiest, sex god ever! He was god damn smokin'.  He had blue eyes and blonde hair, a body like a god. I think I actually had drool coming out of my mouth!

'Wow..' I said in a dreamy voice.

'I wonder who he is.. I think he might be new.'

'Must be. I haven't seen him before and with a face and body like that I think I would remember him.' I said still looking at the guy.

'Maybe we should go say hi?' Sam asked.

I nodded.

But just as they were about to walk up the biggest slut known to earth bet them to it.

Her name was Slut Face Nia- Well that was just a nickname her real name was Shania Harper but she hates her first name so she changed it, biggest bitch you'll ever meet. Her parents were loaded with cash and she was a spoilt brat. And she was heading in the direction of the new kid. The hot new kid. Oh god, save us!

'Oh great, here we go again.' Sam mumbled.

And by that she meant; every time there is a new student Nia always tries to corrupt them. If they are a guy she dates them, and then screws them. If they are a girl she turns them into a slut, and then embarrasses them in front of the whole school. 

I feel sorry for this new kid..

'Hey Sam, let's go behind that wall so we can listen in on them, yeah?'

'Sure hurry up though I want to hear what happens!'

Sam and I went and hid behind a wall and listen carefully. 

We heard footsteps and then voices and I knew straight away that it was Nia speaking.

'Hey babe! What's your name? How do you like the school?' Nia asked in her flirty voice.

'Um.. Well my name is Rider. Who are you? And the school is ok, I mean it's only my first day..'

'Oh wow!!' Nia screeched in a voice that I guess she thought sounded cute.  'Your super cute, we should go out some time!?' She continued.

'Oh dear god!' I whispered to Sam.

'I know I really hope he says no.' Sam whispered back.

'Oh.. Um.. I'm kind of seeing someone at the moment..'  He said but it sounded like a lie.

'Oh well, I'll shag you one day!' Shania said in a happy-go-lucky-voice.

We heard footsteps walking away and then a muttered 'What the fuck?'

We heard someone walking our way so we tried to evacuate the premises.

But no, instead I crash into a hard chest.

I looked up to see none other than Rider himself.

'Oh.. Um.. Hi?' I stuttered out.

I hear Sam laughing behind me.

'What... What were you doing behind the wall?' Rider asked surprised.

Sam stepped in front of me.

'Well, you see.. We wanted to hear what Slut Face Nia was saying to you. Because she always tries to screw with the new kids.' Sam said honestly.

'Oh is see..  Slut Face Nia? Well I think I'll stay clear of her.' Rider said quite unsure.

'Yep.' Sam said popping the 'P' . 'Biggest bitch you'll ever meet.' She continued sounding board.

The bell sounded out across the school.

'Well uh.. We better get going Sam. See you around.. Um.. Rider.' I said nervously.

'Yeah sure.'

And with that Sam and I headed to our first class; French. Ew.

A/N: Hey everybody! My name is actually Tayla, and I'm working on this book with my friends-Sam, Shania, Bonnie and Amy (They haven't been introduced yet). It's sort of based on a true story. So I hope you like it, my friend Sam basically started writing this and then we decided to write a whole book together and with our other friends. This is what happens when we get board. So I hope you enjoy. Give me some feedback please.

P.s Sam's Wattpad account name is-Stained_Ivory17 and Shania's is- WaTAMeLoN_FlavEd_PIE ! Fan them!

P.p.s This was written for fun so no hate if it sucks! xx


-Tayla, Sam, Shania, Bonnie and Amy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2012 ⏰

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