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Name🍓 Andrew Simms 🍓

Age🍓 15 🍓

Gender🍓Male 🍓

Looks🍓 He's actually pretty short, his height is 5'4 but everyone in his family is actually tall on his bio side 🍓

Looks🍓 He's actually pretty short, his height is 5'4 but everyone in his family is actually tall on his bio side 🍓

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Freshman,sophomore,junior or senior 🍓Freshman year🍓

Skills🍓If you meet him you'll just know 🍓

Other🍓 Andrew had just transfered from a school far away. His dad (he's adopted) is a cruise ship worker and is left alone a lot at home, the problem is that he's really clumsy and he can get really bold with questions, he doesn't know his sexuality all that well because he never thought about it. He had about three girlfriends but he never actually like them like he though, he breaks a lot of things he touches and also is hyper a lot whenever he smells sharpies 🍓

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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