Chapter twenty five

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Chapter 25

I growled, on the phone. "You got him a job through your dad?"

"Oh jeez. Good morning to you too."

I ignored her attempt at sarcasm. "I'm not completely upset that you did, but I deserve to know. As your friend. Your best friend, for that matter."

"It's a lot more than that. He just seemed so bummed about his attempt to start up a company, that I felt so bad and decided to help him out." She said simply.

"So he didn't ask you to?"

Imade sounded exasperated. "Of course not. He'd never. It was all my idea. He got a little annoyed that I meddled. He really wanted to do things all by himself."

I sighed. He was a lot smarter than I thought he'd be. "It's okay. I just deserve a little heads up, so I'm not caught off guard. I looked like a fucking idiot, when Tife told me. I'm your best friend. I'm supposed to know stuff like that."

I could hear the amusement in her voice. "So you met with Tife. That's one story I'd love to hear about."

"Don't change the subject. I'm still semi mad at you."

"Sorry. I promise to tell you all I know, from now on. I just didn't want to hear you blame Victor for this, even though he had no hand in this. That's no excuse and I should have told you anyway."

"It's cool. It's fine. Just be okay, alright?"

She chuckled. "Why wouldn't I be?"

I didn't have the heart to reply. I still felt so scared if she knew the truth. She seemed to be depending on him a lot more than she used to, and I needed to break that quickly. No more tricks. It was time to be tactical.


Friday came faster than I expected it to be, and I found myself driving all the way to Imade's family's beach house.

If I could find two words to describe the beach house, it will be "expensive yet homely". The house had a way of looking so simple, but if you'd look carefully you'd know how expensive each thing cost. Like the large sofas in the two living rooms cost more than my car alone, yet it's soft beige color could give one an impression that it was cheap. Big mistake.

Dropping my bag temporarily in the kitchen. I weaved my way through the room, calling out everyone's name, just in case anyone had arrived. Fat chance. I was all alone in this gigantic house by the beach, and I didn't know what to do.

Maybe I ought to kick off my shoes and relax myself by the beach. It had a soothing way of calming the hell down. Or I should just-

"Nara. You're here." Slightly startled to see him around, I offered my widest smile, trying all too hard to hide my shock.

"Tife. Hey. I didn't know anyone was in here."

Tife scratched the back of his head. "Right. I went out back to sort out some stuff in the basement and I came out when I heard someone come in."

"Oh." Was all I could say at that moment, because I found myself feeling a little distracted just by looking at him. He was sweaty. Not in a grossed out or disgusting sort of way. It was more like a little sticky mess, but it oddly turned me on ALOT.

Dressed in a flimsy thin singlet, doused in sweat that hugged his firm chest tightly, and Khaki shorts, his eyes crinkled as he spoke. "You okay?"

I blinked repeatedly, and felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. I really didn't like being caught off guard, especially since I was oogling at my best friend's distractingly hot brother. I really needed to get my act together. It felt like I was sixteen all over again and this time I wanted to be in control. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? "

He only shrugged, and looked like he was heading his way back, when I blurted. "Need any help with what you're doing? I don't have anything to do, so I ought to kill the boredom."

He looked hesitant to respond, and I almost wanted to opt out before he could say anything. I didn't need anymore rejections from him, but then he said. "Sure. Why not."

Giving him a small smile, I followed him to the basement or the "dark dungeon", as we called it when we were kids. I stared at the pile of old stuff and toys, in front of us, and asked. "So what are we unpacking here? Why are you all of a sudden acting so nostalgic right now? "

He shrugged again, and I narrowed my eyes. He really wasn't acting like his usual self at all. "I guess I miss the old times. When we were kids and had nothing to worry about."

I nodded. "Yeah. Those were the best times. But I actually hated coming down here. I always found it creepy and dark. Imade and I used to call it the dark dungeon. It was our least favorite spot in this beach house. "

He gave a ghost of a smile. "Yeah, I remember. I actually loved here when I was much younger. Whenever my parents had their arguments, which was usually often, I would run here to hide, so I wouldn't hear the things they said or listen to them yell at each other. As I grew older, I found ways to deal with it, without running back here. But back then, it really was my place of solace. My fortress."

My voice turned quiet. "Is this what you're doing now? Hiding in your fortress? "

He sent me a wry look. "I'm not-"

Imade's chirpy voice sounded from above. "We're here. Where the hell are you guys? I know Nara's around. I can see her bag. Come out already."

Tife grunted. "We need to get back upstairs." I nodded slowly and chose not to vocally respond. I was sure he too knew that our conversation wasn't over one bit.

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