chapter one

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"Need anything else, Ms.Callahan?" Mary asks from outside my bathroom door. I smile "No, I'm fine thank you! And how many times have I told you to call me (y/n)?" I laugh

She sighs "I know, but you're father insists we treat you with nothing but respect" I dry my hair with a towel before putting on the clothes mary had handed me. I sigh, it's another silk dress. My father prefers me to wear them because it really finishes the whole "mafias daughter" look he has going on for me.

I slip on my underwear and the dress. I slide my bathroon door open and smile as Mary comes into my view. Mary's my servant, or maid, what ever you want to call it. She's been my maid since mom died, so about nine years.

She's the only person in this house that has actually seen the "real me", as cliche as that sounds. I have to keep up a lady like act considering my title. It's annoying, yet I understand.

"You're father has guests over for dinner but you're meeting them this time" she smirks knowing I love getting my hands on anything mafia related, even if it's against my dad's rules.

I make sure I look presentable before walking downstairs. I walk into our large dining room to find my dad and three other men sitting at our dinner table. I stand in the entryway and put on an innocent smile.

Before I can introduce myself, one of the men notices me. "Hey Frank, aren't you going to introduce us to this lovely young woman" I pretend to be flustered by his comment.

Dad looks up at me and smiles brightly "Well, she just happens to be my prized possession!" He laughs deeply and waves his hand for me to come closer. I walk over to his seat, the head of the table, and stand next to him.

"This is my daughter, you may call her Princess or Ms.Callahan" I mentally sigh at the choices. Princess is my mafia name, he doesn't want anyone knowing my real name. Sadly, the men he works with tend to over sexualize it. Still, he's gone to every extent to block that out of his business life so I can still have mine.

"Well Princess , you joining us for dinner?" I look at my father, who nods. I turn back to the man and nod with a smile. He laughs and pats a seat beside him. My father nods and gestures for me to sit. "These are the Donovan Brothers" He gestures to the older man across from me "This is Malcom, the leader of the Donovan mafia" He nods to the man next to him, who's noticeable younger.

"This is his son, Harley" He smirks at me as my eyes fall over him and I hold myself back from reacting. He finally introduces the man next to me "This is Micheal, he's their teams hitman and CEO"  Micheal simply nods to me and I smile back.

After the meal and a boring conversation about typical drug dealing and weapons, the men finally leave. I'm about halfway upstairs when my father stops me. "(y/n) do you plan on going out today?" I nod "yes father, I was just about to get ready" he smiles

"I'd like for you to apply for a job. Preferably one close" My eyes widen "Yes father"

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