Chapter Eleven

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I'm not sure how long I had been in the mountains, all I knew was Nightmare could only control my mind and body for a small while before he lost his strength and needed to regain it. It was a constant war between us and I needed to get rid of him somehow, everyone probably thought I was dead or long gone which made me debate on even going back. These debates always drew my mind back to Springtrap and Chanda, with a burst of anger I slammed my fist into a rock wall.

"Oh calm down Marionette, the angrier you get the more power you give me, are you still unaware of how I work?" Nightmare grumbled seeming rather annoyed, with a huff I sat down against the rock face and looked up at the sky.

"You made me hurt them Nightmare, I tried to help you so many years ago but you refused to accept kindness, why?" I muttered softly and half to myself, this made him go quiet.

"You seem to fail to realise I survive off of fear and anger, your kindness is pathetic and it makes you weak," he growled, with a sigh I stood.

"I'm done fighting you Nightmare, I won't let you hurt my family or my friends ever again," I whispered as I pulled my soul from my chest, I could feel Nightmare screeching as I began to tear his soul from my own. The pain I caused him I also caused myself, despite the pain I continued to divide our souls. With a final hiss of pain they broke free from one another and I collapsed in a coughing fit, a shadow loomed over me and I found myself unable to move.

"Why thank you for giving me my other half dear Puppet, now I can fully use my powers without restraint, you were oh so much a fool to let me get even close to them, plus, after that little stunt you pulled and almost killing Springtrap I don't think they will have a lot of trust in you, but that works in my favour, I can easily make my way into their heads and make you suffer for all the damage you caused Nightmare," the stranger chuckled as they walked away, although damaged I forced myself to stand only to be shoved away. With a pained cough I tried yet again to stand, this earned a growl from him.

"Oh stay down you worthless piece of disgusting filth," Ashton snarled as he yet again threw me away, my strength might have left me long ago but my determination to protect those I love drove me onwards. Standing yet again I glared at him, he stood there for a moment before his eyes got that same mischievous glint that Nightmare's used to when he got an idea. With a dark chuckled he knocked me backwards into a Boulder stunning me for long enough to tie me in chains the burned my skin with every breath, looking at them I realised they had a similar purple tint to Springtrap's blade.

"You won't win Ashton," I hissed as I tried to get free only to stop shortly after due to the burning sensation growing worse, Ashton knelt down before me with a smirk I had long hoped never to see again.

"Oh don't worry Puppet, I won't be the one to hurt you, trust me if I did that I wouldn't be able to manipulate your friends, I'm going to make your beloved Springtrap hurt you, I'm going to watch as they destroy him too oh how much fun that will be to watch!" Ashton giggled insanely, only now did I realise how much influence he had implanted in their minds in those few years he had been with us.

"Ashton please don't do this! Don't turn into the monster Nightmare was!" I pleaded, this seemed to amuse him.

"Oh now you plead, spare me your wishes Puppet because your time is over, Nightmare will rise again and when he does you won't be there to stop him as he drains every soul from this world, including that little CrossBreed Chanda's," Ashton snarled seeming rather unimpressed, this caused me to thrash around despite the burning pain it caused. I wouldn't let him hurt them, I couldn't let him hurt them. Summoning every bit of power I had left I tried to free myself of the chains only to have it thrown back at me, this earned a laugh from Ashton.

"Oh I forgot to mention how much I improved Springtrap's little curse, it was so much fun granted it took a while but seeing my perfected work contain the strongest being to exist just brings me so much joy!" Ashton chuckled which soon turned into a demonic laughter, I shrank backwards when he approached me. I was at his mercy, the feeling of being picked up was not one I liked as I tried to thrash about only to be hit over the head moments before I blacked out.


I awoke to find myself in the same room from my vision, my soul sank in my chest as realisation overcame my mind. Looking around I noticed Ashton placing fragments of Nightmare's soul into tubes, my breathing began to feel short and panicked which caused him to turn around.

"Admire what you can while you live my dear, once they get here the real fun begins," he chuckled as he moved aside an axe that looked all too familiar, after he was done he began to approach me with a smirk. Grabbing a dagger he dug it into my shoulder causing me to screech, the more he twisted it the worse of a distress signal I gave off. I now realised his plan to lure them here, looking at him I didn't see any sign of the kindness he had shown us long ago but instead the insanity of Nightmare. Pulling out the dagger he turned and left the room, I allowed my tears to fall as I knew what was coming and I knew it's ending.

Hmmmmm I still have another book of this I want to write after the next chapter so we shall see how this truly ends and if I allowed you all to see the full truth 😈.

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