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"She's awake."

Jacinta stirred at the unknown male voice and slowly opened her eyes. The harsh overhead lights caused her to wince as her vision adjusted to the environment. She immediately heard a steady beeping coming from overhead. After a moment, her vision finally cleared to see a pair of figures at her feet. One was dressed in the white garb of a Starfleet Doctor, while the other wore a standard issue blue Starfleet uniform that complimented their green skin. She noticed the black badges the two officers wore.

"Excellent, thank you, Doctor, I'll inform the Captain."

"What happened?" Jacinta asked groggily.

"You collapsed, but thankfully we were able to convince the scientists to synthesize the antidote for you."

In a moment of clarity, Jacinta reached for the small bulge in her abdomen, completely ignoring the risks of discovery. The green skinned officer smiled and approached, it was at that point that Jacinta remembered her name.

Leda placed a hand on Jacinta's shoulder. "Your symbiont if fine, we tracked its vitals through the whole process. It was unaffected by the neurotoxin."

Jacinta let out a relieved breath. "Thank you," she murmured before looking around sickbay. "This isn't the Kokoda."

Leda's smiled widened as she sat on the edge of the biobed. "While I'm certain that the Kokoda is a fine ship, it hasn't been dealing with the Novos Foundation like we have."

The green skinned officer slid off the bed and clasped her hands behind her back. "Lieutenant Tryne, welcome to the USS Animus."

Star Trek: Animus: Plague BoundWhere stories live. Discover now