Aussies on Tour😋🍸me:
girls, it's time to assemble
match maker squadfreydot🥵:
ooOh who formy worldie🌍❤️:
if it's max I have like the perf
lass for himme:
no but put me in touch with
her that will be our next mission
this time it is for Danfreydot🥵:
impossible he doesn't want
a lassme:
please he's lonelier then me
when I'm lost in the paddockmy worldie🌍❤️:
what about freys old
pa I bet they'd get along
I'll go tag him in some of her
postsmy worldie🌍❤️:
I'll get lewis to get her some
race passesfreydot🥵:
and ill tag her in some of his
posts xoxme:
good luck girlies!