Kirideku - Addiction

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• slight profanity
• drugs and drug addiction

"Thanks, man, I needed this," Izuku said, his voice deeper and altered to what it usually sounded like, causing him to cringe a little. Pulling his hood even farther forward to help in hiding his real identity, he scurried away from the dealer and out the back exit of the hazy bar.

Leaning against the damp brick wall, Izuku stared at the bag of painkillers in his hands, the shame radiating off of him intense.

'I promised him I wouldn't buy any more and I did anyway' he thought while shoving the bag into his sweatshirt, growing increasingly more angry at himself. He should be spending one of his rare days off relaxing at home, or by not worrying his boyfriend, but here he was wasting it buying drugs.

Walking down the alleyway, he walked onto the busy sidewalk only to bump into somebody.

"I'm sorry sir, excuse me" Izuku mumbled out, pushing past the stranger and keeping his head held down in another poor attempt to conceal his identity. If people knew that the symbol of peace, number one hero in Japan, had been addicted to his painkillers from when he was injured as a teenager for almost five grueling years now, he didn't quite know how they would react - and he didn't want to find out.

"Oi!!! Your not going anywhere, nerd" freezing on the spot Izuku almost started trembling. Bakugou found him. Kirishima would find out. No no no no no no-

"Kirishima's worried sick being at work and not being able to see if you were ok. Thought he was talkin' out of his ass when he said he had a really bad feeling about you and sent me to find you. And what do I find? Apartment, empty. Office, empty. That damn coffee shop you go to almost every day, empty. So I decided I'm going to go to the one place I know he wouldn't be at. And what do I find?" pulling Izuku's body back into the dark alley, he easily swooshed his hood off to see his terrified face.

"I find Izuku fucking Midoryia shaking in his boots with his arms suspiciously buried in his pocket and looking a step away from me beating his ass if what I thinks in that pocket is really there," yanking Izuku's arms away he quickly found the bag of painkillers, letting out an outraged growl at the discovery.

"Damn it! Why Deku! Why do you have these!" Bakugou had a look on his face that was indescribable - and it terrified Izuku seeing him so worried over his well being.

Tears rolling down his face his voice was strained, unbearable amounts of pressure causing it to crack and waver as he tried explaining to Bakugou his dilemma.

"Bakugou have you ever been addicted to something! Anything! Do you know how hard it is to live with yourself when you wake up and want the pill, when your stressed you want the pill, when your terrified you want the pill, when your happy you want the pill, I always want it Kacchan! I can't get away from it! Its like I can't live unless I take what's in that bag. I have too, Kacchan! Its like if I don't take them than I'm going to fuck up somehow and Eijirou's going to leave me, I'm going to lose my job because I hadn't taken a pill and messed up on the job, I - I - I need it! I absolutely hate myself that I feel like I can't live without it! I didn't know that I'd get addicted after I broke my arm, I didn't know, I didn't want to!" Full on sobbing because of his rant, Izuku crouched on the ground, face buried in his hands.

"And Ei.... He doesn't deserve this" stretching his arms out he waved his arms towards himself before returning them to his now red and slightly puffy face.

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