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"You don't believe me, do you?"

"Aaliyah, I do."

"No you don't. I  can see it in your eyes. Your parents have succeeded. They've turned you against me."

"Aaliyah, I sent my men out. They can find no such dungeon. Tell me, what am I supposed to think?"

"Wow. They've really done a number on you. I never thought I'd have to prove that I was kidnapped. I told you when we got married, any doubts, come ask me. But you listened to them. They've brainwashed you against me."

Aaliyah began packing her bags. "A relationship needs trust. If the trusts gone, there is no relationship. One day you'll realise Jameel, I was right. But by then, it'll be too late." Aaliyah walked out of the room. As she was leaving the castle, she saw his parents. "Don't think you're won and this is over. Aaliyah is not a quitter. I won't rest until I prove my innocence." Aaliyah left the castle. Her heart was breaking. Jameel is being manipulated by his mum and dad, and he doesn't even know it she thought angrily. Aaliyah went to her friends house, and broke down in her arms.

"I've lost. Your friend Aaliyah has lost everything."

"What happened?"

"They've brainwashed him completely against me. He doesn't believe me."

"Aaliyah, marriage is hard work. You can't give up at the first hurdle."

"What marriage? I always believed marriage was for life. I would do anything to save my marriage. But if the trust is gone, how can a marriage survive?"

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm not a quitter. I'm going to fight this battle, and I will clear my name."

Forbidden loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang