💥Chapter 1💥

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IcyThot wrote this chapter bakuHoe edited it

I helped carry a couple of the last boxes into My brothers dorm, he just got his UA dorm, I didn't like being here, it just felt like a constant reminder that 1. I'm pretty much useless in this society, and 2. That my Brother was going to be in constant danger, UA's already had a Villain attack, it's just really dangerous. I set the boxes down with a soft huff, as I looked around, We had most the boxes in here already, I was going to miss him at home but this is what he wanted

"Hey Shitty hair---Who the hell are you?!" A blonde hair guy, blood red eyes, kinda like Kiri's, he seemed angry, but nothing had happened, what's his problem?

"Is that really any of your business?" I asked sarcastically, he didn't seem to like that answer, because he growled  at me and started yelling about how he was going to be #1 and that I should respect him, shit like that, I was going to say something but I was cut off.

"BakuBro clam down, that's just my sister, Y/N!!" Kirishima said, putting his arm around my shoulders, after he set the last box down, I rolled my eyes at how he sounded so happy and moved his arm.

"Don't call me that shitty hair!!" The Blonde yelled "why is she here? She doesn't seem like she belongs here"

"I don't belong here, you dumbass blonde, I'm helping Kiri move in, when you so rudely interrupted this, why are you here anyway?" I asked him, moving my H/C hair behind my ear, I couldn't care less about why, but he was so mean, might as well waste his time as well

"I came to talk to Shitty Hair, not you, and DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN" He yelled, moving his hands doing a weird pose thing, before Kiri yelled at him to stop

"She can't protect herself from you blaste like I can Bakugo" Kiri said, something that runs through our blood, hardening type quirks, not that it mattered for me anyway

"So she's a Quirkless loser like that damn nerd!!!" He laughed "pathetic honestly, Quirkless just get in our way!!"

"Sure whatever, nice to meet you dumbass blone, but I should go, Cya later Kiri!" I wasn't staying for the whole 'Quirkless loser speech that dude was making, I've been through it multiple times before. I walked out of Kirishima's room, and made my way out of UA, then home.


I sat on my bed, working on some homework, and listening to music, Math is just the worst, I sighed because falling back onto my bed I was completely done with trying on it, thankfully my phone buzzed, I was expecting something from one of my friends but was greeted by a text from Kiri

Rock Boi
Hey, lil sis, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall, tomorrow, with me and a few friends! Just a little catching up time, since we've both been busy

Me busy? Never, I have no life. It was nice to know Kiri still wanted to hang out with me, even after making all his cool UA friends, so I happily responded

🚫Sukinahito🚫 (Means Favorite Person in Japanese)
Sounds great, I miss hanging out with you!! Just send me times and everything bro!

I smile as we finish up texting each other the details for tomorrow, and I soon go back to math, killing my previous mood

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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