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In the beginning there were seven celestials, contributing to the creation of the seven dimensions.

Un- the celestial that gives life.

Dosha- the celestial of time and space.

Tris- the celestial that controls air, fire and water.

Chi- the celestial that commands nature.

Pan- the celestial of the animals.

Che- the celeatial of illusion.

Sep- the celestial of death.

Together they kept the balance of light and dark in the world of men across the seven dimensions. Peace reigned for several millenia, until one faithful day,  the celestials felt their powers being drained, Men were evolving and with them the seven dimensions. To preserve what remained of their power, the celestials were forced to move their essence into a new vessel, and so the seven amulets of power came into being. The amulets kept their powers for many years as the celestials continued to weild them. Eventually, Sep grew resentful because men, who hated death, praised the other celestials for their gifts, and cursed him for his. Sep tried to use his amulet to kill the other celestials and they banished him to the underworld. There he corrupted his amulet in attempt to create a master amulet that will harness the power of the others to gain dominion over all of creation. When the amulet was forged in the fire pits of hell, the dimensions trembled. The celestials felt the other-worldly tremor within their spirits. They tried to hide their amulets!
The  only place to hide the amulets was in the world of man where celestials could not tread. He cursed them but could not stop them from scattering the amulets across the seven dimensions. Now without any powers to protect themselves with, Sep captured all the celestials and locked them all in hell. Now without the celestials, the world of man descended into chaos. Years later,  the amulets were found by a special few people. Sep saw this as an opportunity. As he knew the hearts of man. He waited until he saw a heart he could corrupt and bend to his will. He saw the heart of the magician....the greatest magician in the seven dimensions.....

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