"Goodbye, My Love"

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The Day of the Dead, a very beautiful holiday that is always celebrated in Mexico. It was made to remember all the past love ones who had died. Today was November 2nd, All Souls Day, a day where Norton Campbell can celebrate with Emma.

Emma Woods, a girl that Norton had loved for a long time. 3 years ever since they both met at a public garden. Her lovely characteristics and the smell of flowers drove him into loving her.

However, due to an illness, she sadly died on her death bed. The doctors tried to help but it was incurable. Norton was able to be there, comforting till her last moments.

Campbell had wanted to propose to Emma before the inevitable happens but he never expected that day of her passing to come. She was very weak at that time, couldn't even move or speak much. It saddened him as he can't do anything to stop the sickness overcoming her.

Emma's last words was "i love you".

He couldn't even tell her back, didn't know what to say back then when he held her fragile hand. Norton had been regretting, he should had said his goodbyes before her death. Would she have been more happy if he done that? Campbell really wished he had those words.

It's almost been a year now ever since that day, he never could stop thinking about her as she always somehow haunts his mind everyday. All his friends tried contacting Norton however he always shut them out since he didn't want to speak with them. Campbell only wanted to be alone and not be bothered.

This holiday he can possibly help ease Emma more during her afterlife. He's not even sure if there really is something after death or not however Norton wants to believe there is. He hopes that she was happy and watching over him occasionally, though, he understands if she isn't.

A family with vibrant-color clothing and makeup went pass him, he was the same like them. Campbell had on a black & white skull makeup with a purple flower painted on his right eye, where it hid his large burnt scar mark. He wore a bright purple shirt with a large same color neck tie that had a ruby gem on the knot, dark suspenders with some gold touch into it, and lastly, a hat with a decorative skull on the front with some beautiful tropical flowers at the sides.

Standing out was a tradition for the day of the dead but Norton probably went all out when he dye his hair dark purple for the occasion. He wanted to look special, just for her only.

Campbell set down many wax candles by his lover's grave, It was said that the lights will help guide the souls from the darkness. He also brought some fruits earlier since he knew she'll loved them. She was a great gardener who really cared about her job meanwhile Norton was just a lousy ex-prospector that she somehow fell in love with.

"It's all in the past now."

Emma would had said that to him. Whenever he thought about what he had done in the mines that caused him to have post-traumatic stress disorder, she always try to cheer him up by bringing him flowers.

It was cute, she was cute. Woods's brown hair that was tied into a small bun, glossy green iris that always shined in the sunlight, and finally, her faired skin with specks of freckles that was soft to touch. He knew Emma has some flaws however she was perfect to his eyes.

'Why did she have to die?'

Campbell already knew the answer. The angels will always take the precious ones, it's life but why does it have to be so painful when they're taken away? Emotions keep the person feeling alive however he wish he didn't had any now or ever. For him, it feels like he was mostly dying on the inside.

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