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Time-1 Week after the Area 51 event
Location-Area 51
-???'s POV-
I heard an alarm as I woke up I couldn't see anything I was locked in this dumbass test tube. But soon my prison was opened along with everyone else's. I knew going for the guards was pointless I would be shot down so I went straight up and busted a hole through the roof

Just my luck I flew out and went into the city where I rested in a tiny alleyway I have to stay here for a bit to not be spotted I wish myself luck and go to sleep for a few days

-Tari's POV-
I just walked out of the store. I had gotten a ton of ink for Meggy I hope this makes her feel better after Desti's death it's only been a few weeks since it happened I'm going to Meggy's House to give her the ink I know how much she has missed being an inkling
For a bit I think she might be getting used to being a human but we will just have to wait and see
-2 weeks later-

-Meggy's POV-
Me and Saiko were at my apartment. I was going crazy over Tari's disappearance last weekend connecting dot to dot but I could never figure it out
Saiko said to me "Meggy what if you are blowing this whole thing out of proportion? What if she is fine at her home?". "Doubt it" i say not even looking up from my table "Meggy look at me" Saiko takes my head and turns it towards me "RELAX if she is missing we are going to find her ok?". "Ok"
-284 words-
AN~Sorry if there is poor quality 1 I'm on mobile and I have proof of it and this is my first fanfic so oof ~AN

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